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You found Usopp in his usual place. He still had his bandages on from the attack from the Franky Family, and was now applying the medicine that Chopper had left on his arms.

"I knew I'd find you here." you said, and Usopp turns to you. His eyes were red and puffing from crying. "What are you doing here?" he asked with rough voice like he was angry. Then, noticing your hurt look, he turned away and apologized. You sat down next to him.

"Why did you fight Luffy?" you asked. Usopp hung his head even lower. "I have my reasons."

"That's not an answer, Usopp." you said. "And don't say it was all for the Merry. I know you know she's gone. You know that she can't sail anymore."
Usopp began to tear up. You knew why, too. That ship was basically his life. She was a living person to Usopp.

You slipped an arm around him and pulled him closer to you. "I know she's special to you, but she's not worth losing your friends. Especially Luffy."

"I know." he whispered.

"You have to come back, Usopp."

"I can't."

You look at him with a surprised look. "Why not? Luffy will forgive you. You know he will; along with everyone else, too: Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, everyone will."

"I can't face them." was he reply.

I kissed his forehead. "I forgive you, Usopp. Then, cupping his face with your hands, you stared straight into his teary eyes. "We ALL love you, Usopp." You kissed his forehead again.

Then, without another word, you left with tears pouring down your cheeks, thinking whether will Usopp come back or not.

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