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You walked down the streets, starving. You haven't had real food for the past week and have been surviving on scraps from garbage. No one would help you.

Until one day, when you were curled up against a cold wall thinking of what you were going to do next, a figure appeared over you. You gazed up and found a young man in a suit with blonde hair staring down at you. You were too weak to say or do anything.

Then, without a word, he lifted you and cradled you in his strong arms. "Don't worry," he whispered in a sweet voice. "My name is Sanji and I'm here to help." You didn't answer, but you managed a smile and you let yourself drop in his arms.

Sanji carried you to a ship. You spotted a pirate flag at the top of its mast and looked back at Sanji. No, you thought. It can't be. Him? A pirate?

He took you on deck and opened the door to the kitchen. He carefully placed you at the table and began cooking. "Everyone else is out shopping, so it's just us." he reassured. You didn't answer.

While the food was simmering, Sanji made a energy drink and placed it in front of you. "Here," he said. "This will give you strength." You drank it heartedly, and Sanji went back to cooking. The room was filled with a flavorful aroma, which made your mouth water a little.

"Y/N." you stuttered. Sanji stopped what he was doing. "What?" he said, turning to face you. You hung your head to avoid eye contact. "Y/N." you repeated. "That' name." Suddenly, your chin was lifted up and your eyes met with his. (Well, his one since the other was covered by his blonde bangs).

"I think," he smiled, placing a plateful of food in front of you. "That's a beautiful name." You blinked and then gazed down at the food. You picked up a forkful and stuck it in your mouth. It was heaven.

You finished it in less than 5 minutes and you felt like you've eaten 5 meals a day all your life. You began to cry when you were done, and you felt Sanji's arms wrap around your shoulders.

"Thank you." you wept. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." You gripped the front of his shirt, and he closed you in in a hug.

"You know," he said, lifting your chin. "You can stay here with me and my friends. You can have everything you want here." You were too shocked to answer at first. I can stay? you thought. Then, you smiled, and more tears fell from your eyes.

Who cares if he was a pirate. He was the greatest man you've ever met.

"Yes." you happily said, and held yourself against Sanji's chest.

Suddenly, loud, happy voices came from the deck. Sanji laughed and helped you up from the bench. "Come on," he said, holding your hand.

"Let's go meet your new family."

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