Luffy's Hat Part 7

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After a couple of minutes picking grass, Nami and the others finally returned. Jumping back up to my feet, I noticed Winter wasn't with them.

"Where is she?" I asked hestiantly. My crew exchanged looks before Nami took a step forward. She was wearing my straw hat. As she slipped it off her head, she sighed deeply. "Where is Winter, Nami?" I stared dead into her eyes, anxious gor an answer.

"She left, Luffy." she replied softly. "Winter told us that she was sorry." I stopped her before she could continue, and stared down to the ground. "Luffy..." Nami squeaked.


Luffy sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. Then, he turned his attention back onto me and the rest of the crew.

Then, he smiled.

"Well," he reluctantly giggled. "No use in hanging around here then, right?" He stretched his arm to the top of the ship and hoisted himself onto the deck. "Come on, everyone!"

Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and I exchanged worried looks, then reluctantly boarded the ship. Once we were off sailing, I spotted Luffy gazing back towards the island, his eyes fixed to the shore. I joined his side and stared along with him. I still held his straw hat in my arms, which Luffy still hasn't asked back.

"Luffy," I breathed, outlining my finger around the rim of the hat. "Winter told me to give you a message before she left." Luffy didn't say anything but acknowledged by turning his attention to me.

"She said to believe in your straw hat." I smiled, and placed the treasured hat on top of his head. "I wondered what she meant by that." Luffy's mouth spread into a huge grin.

"I don't." he giggled to himself. I shook my head and laughed along with him. Then, I playfully punched his arm and gestured to the kitchen with my head.

"Come on, Sanji cooking up a buffet just for you." I said, and Luffy's eyes immediately lit up with excitement. "Alright!" he pumped his fist. "Let's go!"

Both of us began walking towards the kitchen, but noticed Luffy had stopped to look back at the disappearing island in the horizon. He gazed back at me, and smiled, as if to give me reassurance.

"It's ok, Nami," he said. "I'm fine now."

Then, once again, he let out a laugh. "In fact, I'm better than I was in my entire life."

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