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"Here you are, Captain." you popped your curious head in Ace's quarters. "The crew is awaiting orders." Ace, a younger man with black curly hair and freckles and handsome eyes, peers up at you by lifting his orange hat from his vision.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Y/N," he pouted. "Just call me Ace." You bowed slightly in apology. "Forgive me." you tried to be the most respectful you could be.

After all, you would be dead if it wasn't for Ace. Now you served as one of the best ship's doctors for the Spade Pirates.

"It's alright." Ace said, sitting up in his chair. "Wasn't there something you needed?"

You snapped back into focus. "Yes sir, we have reached an island and the crew is awaiting orders for collecting supplies and such." Ace chuckled. "Then collect supplies by all means. You do not need my permission." You blinked before turning away to leave the room.

"Y/N?" you heard Ace call you back. Rotating back around, you watched as Ace stood to his feet and walked up to where he stood only a few feet away from your body. He leaned down by your ear and whispered softly. "I want to thank you for joining my crew."

You felt your cheeks heat up at Ace's gratitude. "I don't understand, Ace." you said, covering your blushing face. "Why do you thank me?"

"Because," Ace said, lacing his fingers in yours. "There's a feeling that I have never felt until you joined my crew. That moment I saved you is when it all started. It grew when you accepted my offer to join my crew. At first, I didn't know what was wrong with me. But now I do."

"Ace..." you breathed.

As your lips collided with his, it appeared to you on what was just a world was a star and you were finally home.

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