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You strolled along the main square and market, looking for anyone from the crew. It's been 2 years, but you were sure you'd recognize anybody you'd see.

But no one was in sight.

You decided to rest and clear your head at a nearby bar. Getting a drink, you thought about what could've happened to everyone else 2 years ago...

You were sent to a deserted island, where you were forced to survive on your own. Then, pirates came and took you in and helped you train. The whole time you were thinking of everyone...especially Zoro....

You missed him and couldn't wait to see him again.

You paid for the finished drink and left the bar, your mind clouded with thoughts. Suddenly, as you stepped out the door, you hear a familiar voice behind you.

"Excuse me, miss, but I seem to be very lost. Can you help me?"

The corners of your mouth tugged at a joyful smile. You turned and placed your hands on your hips. "I don't know," you smirked. "Depends on where you're going." You saw him crack a smile.

Zoro. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore and you rushed into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" you cried happily on his chest. "I thought this day would never come!" Zoro's strong and warm arms swallowed you in a wonderful embrace. "I dreamed of the same thing." his breath tickled the back of your neck as Zoro buried his face in your hair.

Then, Zoro loosened the hug, and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand. "I love you..." he breathed, and then, he laughed. "Finally," he said. "I get to say that to you. I waited 2 years to say that."

You smiled and cupped his face. Bringing it close, you planted a kiss on his warm lips.

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