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Zoro had fallen ill.

His wounds had open.

He was dying.

"Zoro..." You cradled his head. A fever roared in his head and sent his forehead ablaze. You stroked his cheek. "Please...don't leave me alone here."

You searched the dark forest around you, trying to find something to help Zoro. But you weren't like Chopper.

You cleaned the cut that laid across Zoro's chest the best you could do with hot water from the fire and stitched it with what was left of the horse hair from the first aid kit. You bandaged it.
But that didn't stop the sickness inside of his body.

" your eyes..." you begged, stroking his cheeks and forehead. Your tears fell and stained Zoro's face. "Please...I need you."

You leaned down and kissed his burning feverish lips. Then, his forehead. His cheeks were next.

Kissing his lips again, Zoro's eyes fluttered open. "Zoro?" you beamed. He was ok! You tackled him in a hug, forgetting about his wound. He grunted in pain and you apologized over and over. Tears poured down your eyes.

"I'm sorry," you cried happily. "I'm just glad you finally woke up." Zoro lifted himself to sitting position. Rubbing the back of his head, he apologized to you.

"But how? You were barely breathing." you breathed. Zoro smiled. "Trust me, it takes a whole lot more to kill me."

You couldn't help yourself. You threw your arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?" he said, placing a hand upon your cheek.

"I thought I was going to lose you." you sobbed. Zoro took you into his arms, and stroked your hair. Then, releasing you, you watched as he placed his fingers on his lips.

"Did you, by any chance-" You cut him off with a kiss. Slowly pulling back, you look into each other's eyes.

"Yes, I did."

Zoro didn't hesitate for another kiss. Or another one. Or for more in the future.

Oh yeah, Zoro wasn't dying anytime soon.

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