IMAGINES- Usopp X Kaya

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I went out to my garden to get some fresh air. When I breathed in, the smell of flowers relaxed me. "This feels so good." I said out loud. "It's always nice to get away from the studies, but if I want to become a doctor, I have to do my best." I gazed up to the cloudless blue sky.

"It's such a nice day." I awed. I decided to go for a walk to the seashore. My favorite spot. As I stepped up to the cliffside to gaze upon the horizon, I spotted a ship. A familiar pirate ship.

It was the Going Merry! I ran around the tree and down the rocky path that led to the sandy shore. The Merry docked and I saw him.

As he jumps knee deep in the water, I'm already tackling him down into the waves. "Usopp!" I cried, as we hit the water. We both come up soaking wet with sea water. "I knew you come back!" I hugged him tightly, and he did the same.

"Of course I did! I promised, didn't I?" he laughed. Then, he helped me up to my feet and he waved off his crew so we could be alone. "I missed you so much." he said to where only I could hear it.

We sat back on top of the cliff and watched the sun set over the horizon. Usopp had his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Our feet dangled over the edge of the cliff.

Usopp told me every story he could think of about his adventures with Luffy and the others. I laughed at the funny stories and understood the serious ones. The stories he told did seem like lies, but I knew they were true. Every single one of them.

"Kaya..." Usopp breathed. "In all the bad and dangerous times; all the fatal moments and fights..." His grip on my arm tightened and his body began to shake. "You were the one who kept me going. The one who kept me alive."

"Oh, Usopp." I didn't know what to say. We both teared up and held each other. "I just didn't want to disappoint you." Usopp continued. "I know you were looking forward to all my adventures and I couldn't let you down. I promised you after all."

I couldn't help myself anymore. I grabbed that crazy long-nose man and kissed him. When I pulled back, Usopp was crying and he pulled me right back for another kiss.

Afterwards, I invited Usopp and the rest of the Straw Hats to rest at my home and eat dinner. The next morning, they were heading back out to sea.

Usopp stood at the ladder of the Going Merry, where I hugged him good-bye. "When you come back, you'll have even more stories to tell, right?!" I smiled, and I kissed him. Usopp laughed. "Yeah! I promise! When I come back, I'll be the greatest warrior of all the seas!"

Then, with one last kiss, he joined his fellow crew members and began sailing off into the horizon.

And I watched as the ship disappeared into the sea, knowing that my only love will keep his promise.

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