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"Not so tight!" you complained, as you gripped the back of a chair and bit back curses. "I'm sorry, dear, but your father wants you to look perfect for the engagement party." your maid said, and tightened the dress even more to where you didn't know if you had a stomach anymore.

"I don't want to be engage though." you pouted. "It was never my intention." The maid, Lizzy, nodded. "I understand you, dear. But it's your father's wish for the family name." You sighed at the truth.

"I don't even know him." You tightened your grip as Lizzy did the last knot on the dress. You rubbed your stomach and tried to take in deep breaths.

"You know, I rather go on an adventure." you said. Lizzy took your arm and lead you outside to your fiancé.

You and him walk up on the balcony and looked upon the wide ocean. You couldn't breathe.

You felt yourself growing weak and you fell forward over the edge and into the cold water.

What's happening to me? you thought. I can't move. Help...You could feel yourself drifting away....

Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted. The hoop in your skirt was torn off and you reached the surface. You took deep breaths and leaned into your savior.

"Hang in there. Don't die on me." you heard a gentle man's voice. "I got you."

"I can't...breathe." you coughed. The hero lifted you bridal-style and laid you on the sand. He ripped the top open and you took deep breaths and coughed up sea water.

Your hero rubbed your back and you gazed over to look at him. He had short green hair and firm yet kind eyes. He was very handsome. "Are you ok?" he asked. You nod. "Yes, thank you so much for saving me."

The man blushed. "No problem."

Then, the guards came and surrounded you and your hero. "You, pirate! Step away from Lady Y/N." Pirate?

"It's Roronoa Zoro!" one of the guards called. Zoro frowned. "Great, this is what I get for helping someone." You rushed to your feet and guarded him from the guards. "You wouldn't capture my savior, would you?"

Then, you turned your head and whispered to where only Zoro could hear you. "Take me with you, please. I can't stand to live here any longer." Zoro smirked.

"It would be my honor." he winked, and threw a ball towards the guards. A smokescreen appeared and Zoro grabbed your hand to escape.

Once you made it to the docks, Zoro lead you to a ship, where his fellow crew mates were waiting for him. "Thank you. You don't know how long I've waited to get away from this place." you said. The grip on your hand tightened.

"Well, you're in luck." Zoro laughed. "Because I just happened to like you." You smiled at the comment. Zoro gestured over to the ship with his head.

"Come on," he said. "Let me introduce you to an adventure."

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