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"Hey everybody!" Luffy called on the main deck. You and 6 other crew members joined him and listened to what he had to say. "Let's play a game! All 9 of us!" Luffy smiled.

Zoro, Sanji, and Franky all groaned. "We don't feel like playing stupid child games." Luffy had his sad face on. Nami asked which game. "Hide and Seek, of course! We have this huge ship; there are probably a million hiding places!"

Usopp and Chopper agreed to play. "I don't mind playing a few rounds." Robin said. Nami agreed. Sanji changed his mind since they were playing. "I'll play, too." you said with a smile. Franky sighed. "Well it's not like I've got nothing else to do." You all turned to Zoro. "Please, Zoro." You gave him your best puppy eyes.

He growled as if he was fighting the pressure. "Fine." he said. "But one round and that's it."

"Alright! Now who's it?" Usopp asked. Chopper raised his little hoof. "I will." You all nod in agreement. "Ok, you have to count of 20. Go!"

The crew scatters as Chopper closed his eyes and leaned against the tree on the deck. "Come on, Zoro! I have the perfect place!" You grabbed Zoro's hand and pulled him with you to the lower level of the ship. Then, you climbed through Franky's cola cannons and sat down between them.

"This is so stupid." Zoro complained, as he sat down next to you. It was sort of a tight fit; your shoulder was leaned up against his. "This is perfect, though. With the cola surrounding is, it hides our scent, and Chopper wom't find us as quickly." you explained.

Zoro just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, so what? Let him find us. I just want to go back to the nest and get some sleep." You pouted a little, and hugged your legs against you. "You don't like to have fun, do you?" you asked. Zoro looked at you, confused.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Zoro asked right back. You hung your head and looked at your feet.

"Well...everything, Zoro."

Zoro went silent and you looked up to see that it was him who was looking at his feet now. "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way." you said quickly. Zoro shook his head. "No, you're right. I should take this time to have fun with my friends while I can. Who knows when the next time we'll all get into fights or meet villains to defeat."

Zoro, you thought, and smiled. Zoro looked at you with eyes full of something you couldn't put your finger on it. Was he...begging? You scooted closer to Zoro. Then, you touched his right cheek and pulled him in so you can kiss his left.

But apparently Zoro had something else in mind. He turned his head at the last second and you two kissed on the lips. But you didn't let go. Neither did Zoro.

When you finally did, Zoro said two words that melted your heart.

"Thank you."

You kissed him again just as a little voice echoed through the cannon room.

"Found you!"

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