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"Quick! Bring him in here!" you instructed to Sanji and Zoro, who carried Usopp. They set him down on the bed.

"Sanji! I need water! Hottest water you can get!" you yelled and snatched all the bandages and medicine you could find. "Zoro, I need your help with the operation. Hold him down, it's going to hurt him."

"I have the water!" Sanji announced, bringing in a bowl of boiling water. You grabbed a rag and dipped it in, ignoring the burn. "I need to wash away the blood and sanitize the wounds. Hold him down, both of you!" Sanji and Zoro did as they were told.

You began to clean his bloody chest with the hot water. Usopp began screaming in pain and tried to get away, but Sanji and Zoro did their job. "Just hang in there, Usopp. Don't die on us!"

Once you were done, you studied his chest to see what you were up against. "That's good; I thought the wounds would be deeper. I can save him." You turned to Sanji again and handed him a list you always kept in first aid. "I need these herbs and ingredients. Hurry!" Sanji left.

You laced the horse hair through the needle and pressed the wound together. "Zoro." you said. Zoro nodded and set Usopp's head in his lap and held his arms down.

You stitched every single wound closed and as tight as possible. "Don't worry, Usopp. I will save you. I can't lose you now." you told yourself out loud. "I will save you." Sanji brought the ingredients when you were done and you began to make the ointment. When you were finished, you spread the medicine over the stitched wounds.

Then, you bandaged him. The whole way you told yourself, "I will save you. I can't lose you. I will save you."

Finally, you were done. When you taped the last bandage, you were exhausted. Sanji was already asleep. You felt Zoro's hand on my shoulder. "You did good. I'm proud of you." You smiled. "You should get some rest. I'll watch him." Zoro offeree, but you declined it.

"I want to watch him, please. You should go check on Luffy or something." Zoro looked at you and then nodded. He got up to leave, and as soon as he was gone, you leaned down to Usopp and kissed him.

"I did it, Usopp. I did it." and you kissed him again.

"I did it."

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