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The Marine tangled his fingers in your messy hair as he dragged you across the dirt path. You fought back. This wasn't how you were going to die. Thanks to the sea prison stone handcuffs, all you could do was struggle and kick and bite.

You felt a massive blow to the cheek, that sent you spiraling a few feet on the rocky ground. But you bit your lip to hold back a scream, trying to show no weakness.

"Get up, criminal!" the Marine demanded, and he wrenched you up by the collar of your torn shirt to your weak feet. He pushed your back hard to make you keep going.

You twisted around and nailed him in the shin, making the soldier double-over. You swung your cuffed hands upward, smacking the good-for-nothing straight in the chin. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground.

You scrambled to your feet and ran the opposite direction that the Marine was taking you, and you didn't stop.

But before you knew it, more Marines were chasing you. You couldn't stop. You had to get back to Luffy and the others. But that didn't stop your feet from tripping over themselves, because you once again fell to the ground.

"We have you now!" the Marines shouted. Some had rifles and some had swords. You braced yourself to be captured or killed. "You!" the captain ordered to one of the soldiers. "Bring her to me!"

You shuffled backwards to get away, but you weren't getting anywhere and the man was getting closer.

Suddenly, a blast of fire bolted from behind you and attacked the Marine, who fell with flames still smoking his uniform. The Marine Captain was shocked on what happened. But you weren't. Instead you smiled.

"We're being ambushed!" they cried. More fire stars shot pass you and in the soldiers' faces, all falling from it's burning power. The rest retreated and forgot all about your capture.

Once they were gone, you searched around for your hero. And there he was.

The Great Captain Usopp.

You struggled to your feet, and rushed towards him, who was sprinting to your aid. You fell into his arms and buried your face in his chest. You cried tears of joy as Usopp gripped your sore shoulders and smoothed out your hair.

"I knew you'd come for me." you wiped your eyes, and Usopp helped you to your feet. Then, he held up a key in his fingers. "How did you..." your eyes widened. Usopp just smiled, and unlocked the cuffs.

As the cuffs fell, Usopp laced his fingers in yours. He brought them up and kissed the top of them. "Let's get out of here." he smiled, and you nodded.

Usopp scooped you up bridal-style and carried you home.

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