Sanji's Choice Part 4

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I walked hand in hand with Maria.

As we approached the Merry, I noticed they were already to sail. Luffy spotted me and shouted to me to hurry up. "Come on, Sanji! It's time to go!"

"Luffy! Everyone! I have to tell all of you something!" I shouted to the crew. All of them exchanged confused looks and followed down the ladder.

"Guys, this is Maria." I introduced her. "She accepts me as I am and I love her. I've made a decision of my future with her."



This can't be happening. Can't it?

"I decided to stay here on the island with Maria." Sanji said, staring at all of us dead in the eyes. His expression was completely serious.

" can't be serious?" Usopp stuttered. Chopper began to tear up. Zoro closed his eyes and shook his head. Luffy...well...

"Yes, Usopp. I am serious. Here I am with the one who loves me just as much as I do to her. We belong to together." Sanji explained. "I'm sorry...but I guess you're going to have to find another cook." He looked away. I saw his eyes were tearing up.

I was the first to step forward and hug him good-bye. "I'll miss you." I breathed. "Thank you for all you've done." Sanji hugged me back. "This isn't good-bye, Nami."

Usopp stepped up as I backed off and he hugged Sanji, too, who didn't mind. Chopper and Robin came after.

Zoro stepped forward. "So this is it, huh, love cook?" he huffed. Sanji smirked the best he could. "What? You going to cry when I'm gone, Mosshead?" Zoro grinned back, and held out his hand. "Never." Sanji grasped it, firmly.

"Take care, Sanji." Zoro said. With a final shake, Sanji let go. "Don't miss me too much, Zoro."

Finally, Sanji turned to Luffy.


Luffy hadn't said a word the whole time.

As I walked up to him, he avoided eye contact. "Don't be that way, Luffy." I begged. "This was the hardest decision I've ever made in my life. Let's not part ways like this."

I held out my hand to Luffy, who turned his head to stare at it. He didn't move.

"You are the greatest pirate captain any crew could ask for, Luffy. I know one day you'll reach the end and become King of the Pirates. Go live your dream without me. You'll be fine." I said my final words. I reached my hand farther out to him, but he wouldn't shake it.

Biting back tears, I clenched my out-stretched hand and turned my back on my former captain. "Maybe we'll see each other again, Luffy." I hoped as I walked back to Maria's side.

"Everyone, get on the Merry." I heard Luffy demand to the crew. "We're leaving."

I turned and watched everyone, except Luffy, give me one last look. Then, one by one, they boarded the Merry.

The Merry jerked forward and began to sail away.


I have chose a song to match the mood and tone and feeling of this chapter. If you want to listen while reading this chapter, then look up...

- Friends Never Say Good-Bye
By Elton John

It brings the story out more.

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