Zoro's Deditcation Part 4

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"No! You're lying!" Luffy shouted angrily. "Zoro would never leave the crew!"

I bit my lip before arguing back. I didn't want to believe it either. Zoro wouldn't leave the crew without a reason. And even he did have a valid reason, he still wouldn't leave without saying something.

But it's been 3 days.

"Luffy." I sighed. "I don't want to believe it either, but we have to leave the island soon or else someone is going to report us and before we know...we'll have the Marines on our front door."

Luffy shook his head violently. "No! You're wrong! Zoro would never!" Then, he hung his head, his fist clenching so hard his knuckles turned white. "He promised."



I woke up that morning with Colette leaning against my arm, her head resting on my shoulder. I didn't want to wake her, so I just left her as she was.

I stared up at the blue sky, and thought about Luffy and the crew. I knew I've been gone a few days and everyone must've been freaking out where I was.

I guess it was time to go back.


I gazed over at the sleeping Colette. She seemed so peaceful and full of life for a girl who's been through so much. I would feel bad if I just left her just like that.

What do I do?

As I was thinking, Colette's eyes fluttered open and she slowly raised her upper body to a sitting position. I did the same and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" I asked. Colette turned her head and her green eyes met mine.

"I need to say something, Zoro." she said, calmly. I nodded as permission. She breathed deeply.

"I want you to stay with me."


Promise, huh?

I remembered that day when that idiot basically pledged himself to Luffy. He swore that he would never lose again and promised to help Luffy become King of the Pirates.

Zoro wasn't the one to go back on his word. Ever.

I decided to go out one more time to search for him. For Luffy.

As I hopped over the ship's side, I called out to the crew. "I will come back with him.


"Colette..." I breathed. What do I say? I couldn't say no to her. But I couldn't say yes.

I would've asked her to join the crew, knowing Luffy would quickly permit. But being the daughter of one of the Warlords of the Sea, she must be protected by the World Government. If word got out that she had joined the Straw Hat Pirates, not only every Marine fleet would be after us, but every Warlord, too, including her father.

Colette waited patiently for my answer. She understood I had a big decision to make and didn't jump to conclusions when I didn't reply immediately.

"Colette, I--" suddenly, something caught my ear.


There was an island. I could see it. There I stood as far as the island I stood on could go, an I could see a small island about 5 miles out.

I had to search it. I spent a whole day on this island. I wasn't going to give up now.

So I began swimming.

Not a mile in and I already felt something brush against my stomach. I kept going, trying not to mind it.

I was so close; maybe a half mile when something suddenly crunched down on my leg. I didn't have time to yell as I was pulled under.

Squinting my eyes open, I found a shark's jaws clamped on my shin. I began to kick it in its eyes with my other foot. The shark released my leg and I was able to make it to shore.

My leg was bleeding badly, though. I was losing a lot of blood.

But I kept going. I was going to find that Mosshead idiot. I told Luffy I would.


I saw him emerge from the trees. He was soaking wet and his left leg was torn to shreds.

"Sanji?" I said, confused. "What are you doing here?" Sanji limped towards me and Colette. "There you are..." he breathed, trudging on his one leg. "I'm going...to...kill...you..."

Suddenly, Sanji's eyes closed and began to fall. "Sanji!" I yelled, and rushed forward to catch him before he could hit the hard ground. I lowered him to the ground and placed his head on my lap. Colette knelt down and examined Sanji's leg.

"He's lost a lot of blood." she said, and began to dig through her bag. She pulled out bandages and a water bottle.

"Don't worry." she said, looking dead into my eyes.

"I won't let him die."

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