Sanji and Zeff

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It's been 5 years since I've been home. The Baratie was in sight and I just couldn't wait 'till we docked. In fact, I was so excited that I was willing to swim the rest of the way.

The Sunny had finally docked and rushed down the ladder and into the front door. "I'm home!" I cried happily. Each of the chefs' heads popped out from the kitchen and yelled and shouted of joy as they tackled me into one big group hug.

After I managed to get everyone off of me, I searched around for Zeff. "So?" I asked excitedly. "Where's that old geezer?" I watched as every smile disappear. I got worried. "What is it, guys?" I asked, still trying to keep a grin on my face.

"Sanji," one of the cooks stepped forward.

"Zeff passed away a year ago."


The rest of us stayed back while the cook reunited with his fellow chefs, laughing and smiling. But then, the bad news broke out and there was silence.

I couldn't see Sanji's face, but I could guess he was shocked at the sudden news.

"I...I see." he stuttered. I could tell he was holding back. He straightened his posture. Another cook stepped forward. "We buried him on the next island over."

The next island, huh? According to Nami, that was my hometown.

"I see," Sanji said again. Then, he turned around and began walking us, or rather, the front door. Before exiting, he cleared his throat. "I would like it if I could stop by, please."

Luffy nodded, and instructed us to board the ship. Sanji didn't speak one word as we made it to my island. When we docked, both Sanji and I hopped off the boat together. Clearing his throat again, he asked, "Zoro, could you show me where the cemetery is?" I just nodded and gestured him to follow.

As we entered the cemetery, We passed by Kuina's grave. It's been almost 15 years since her death, and I planned to visit her while I'm here.

But right now, I was concern for the cook. He hadn't said a word the whole time. We finally reached the grave.


I stood in front of the grave. It was marked with his pirate name, "Red Leg" Zeff. How dare they recognize him by that name. After all, it was me who destroyed that name.

I crouched down on one knee and stared down at the tomb stone. Taking a deep breath, I began on what I wanted to say.

"I found it." I said, placing a hand on the grave. "The All Blue, Zeff. I found the All Blue." I bit my lip. I knew that Zoro was standing behind me and I couldn't show too much weakness.

"It was the most beautiful sight." I continued. "I got lots of fish from there so I could prepare them for the future. Too bad you won't be able to try it." I tried to laugh it off, but it only made it worse. My heart felt like it was being torn into pieces.

I tried to steady my breathing. "I'm sorry I took so long. I know you're probably wanting to knock me in the head right now." I did it for him, and tried to laugh again. "You know, you were...are always going to be my father." I choked back a sob.


I know he was trying to keep a straight face while I was around, and I actually had the urge to give him space. But i had a sad feeling that he would do something reckless.

I sighed deeply and decided to say a few words.

"Sanji," I started. "If Zeff was here right now, I don't think he would be mad at you. In fact, he would be the opposite." Sanji didn't turn around as I spoke, but I know he was acknowledging me.

"Zeff's proud of you." I continued. "He's proud that you went off as a pirate and followed your dreams. Something he couldn't do himself." I heard the first whimper from his lips.

Then, I did something really unexpected.


I felt his hand on my shoulder. It was firm but it felt almost comforting. Everything seemed to untwined. My body shook and I gripped Zoro's wrist.

"He's very proud of you, Sanji. He always was."

I couldn't hold it in anymore.


The stupid cook cried his heart out. First, it was more like sniffles, but then he started sobbing and he keeled over on his hands and knees. I kept my hand on his shoulder as he squeezed my wrist in a death grip.

I watched as the puddle of tears grow, and it didn't seem to slow down. "Zeff..." Sanji sobbed. He raised his head to the sky. "ZEFF!!!" He let out more cries as he lowered his back down. He began to pound his fist on the cobbled-path, his knuckles coming back up bloodier each time he did.

We stayed there for another 10 minutes before Sanji finally began to calm down. He took deep breaths in and out, and furiously wiped his eyes dry.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Sanji gazed up at me, his eyes were still red. But despite of his feelings, he smiled the biggest smile his face could managed.

"Yea," he breathed. "Thank you, Zoro."

I offered him my hand, and he accepted. Pulling him up slowly to his feet, I asked, "Want to head back?" Sanji nodded.


I felt better as me and Zoro walked back to the crew. Staring up at the sky, I imagined the old man smiling down on me.

So I smiled back.

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