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The two years were finally up.

You were going to see everyone again at last.


He was the first one to come to mind whenever you thought about the crew. His face. His smile. His eyes. Everything.

You realized how much you loved him the longer you stayed apart from him. You've never told him your feelings.

But you were now. You planned to tell him as soon as you saw him.

Where was he?

Walking around Sabody Archipelago, you searched for Port 41. If you couldn't find him around the amusement park, then maybe he was already at the ship.

Suddenly, you saw him.

He was leaning against one of the large roots, lighting a cigarette. Blowing a stream of smoke, he seemed to be waiting for something. Or someone.

"Well you seem lost." you smirked as you got closer to him, catching his attention. You saw him grin and blow another stream of smoke. "Well you know I never want to go anywhere alone."

Sanji faced you and caressed your cheek. "Especially if I'm not with you."

You crashed your lips into his. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore. Sanji wrapped his arms around and leaned you to the left, your foot came off the ground. Both of you sank deeper in the kiss.

When you finally released to breath, you stared into each other's eyes and brought your lips back together.

"I've miss you so much." Sanji breathed between kisses. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Sanji."

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