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"Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Bink's Brew. Pirates we, eternally, are challenging the seas." you sang softly, as you gazed up at the starry sky. It was his favorite song, and you would sing every time he asked as a request.

You laid on your back in the crow's nest, although you were suppose to be keeping watch. But you were sucked in the melody and the beautiful night. You began the next verse.

"When all it is said and done, you'll end up a skeleton. So spread your tale, from dawn to dusk upon..." Suddenly, you stopped when another voice joined in below.

You looked down and saw Luffy climbing the ladder towards you. "How dare you sing that song without me!" he complained, though laughing. You giggled along. "Sorry, Captain." you bowed your head slightly. "Just having a bit of fun!"

Luffy plopped himself down next to you and began rocking himself like a child. "Sing more! Sing more!" he begged with those big puppy eyes. "Sing it with me!"

"Ok, Luffy." you gave in. Clearing your throat, you hummed the melody and strolled into the first line. "Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Bink's Brew..."

You and Luffy sang together while you rested your head on his shoulder, gazing up at the shining stars. As you finished the last verse, you hummed the tune as Luffy pressed his lips to your forehead and held it for a full minute.

"I like you, Y/N." he giggled like a little kid on Christmas. "Always have and always will!" You lifted your head from his chest and gazed into his eyes. "That goes double for me, Monkey D. Luffy." you announced.

"I like you, too."

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