Zoro's Daughter

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Zoro gripped your hand as you huffed heavily. "It's alright. I'm right here." Tears fell from the corner of your eyes as pain shook your body. Zoro had your neck supported on his forearm, which was wrapped around your trembling shoulders. His large comforting hand swallowed your hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Zoro..." you tried to control your shaking as the doctor began to hook you up to the machines. Zoro stared straight into your eyes with concern and support. "I'm scared..."

Zoro's smile warmed you. He leaned over and kissed your forehead. "You can do this. I know you can. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too."

The doctor finally announced it was time to push.

After 2 hours of tormenting pain, you breathed out in relief and exhaustness. You coughed out a laugh and wiped your remaining tears away from your eyes and cheeks.

"Y/N..." Zoro breathed. "She's beautiful."

You opened your tired eyes to find Zoro cradling your tiny infant in his muscular arms. Tears brimmed his eyes as he smiled a genuine smile down upon the baby. He knelt down next to the bed so you could gaze upon your child.

You sniffed happily at the beautiful sight. "She looks just like you, Zoro." you awed. Zoro kissed your lips and then his little girl's forehead.

You both stared at the sleeping baby for a while in silence, smiling and crying softly. "What should we name her?" you breathed. Zoro smiled and gently carrassed his daughter's cheek with his index finger.


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