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"Hi, Luffy." you sighed, as Luffy barged into your room for the 5th time that day. "What is it now?" Luffy had a huge smile on his face.

"Come on!" he laughed. He took hold of your hand and dragged you out to the deck. He pointed into the sky. "Look!" You look up and you don't see anything unusual or different.

"Luffy, I don't understand." you said, shading your eyes from the setting sun. "What am I suppose to be looking at?" Luffy winked. "Keeping looking, and just wait."

You gaze back up to the sky; just in time to see it light up with beautiful fireworks. The clear night was lit with blues, purples, reds, and yellows. You awed as some of them formed into shapes and figures. One was a full tree. Another was pirate flag.

"Oh, Luffy," you sighed. You felt the back of his hand stroke your cheek. You looked over and saw Luffy's goofy smile.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N!"

"Luffy, you remembered." you smiled. Luffy rubbed the back of his head and giggled. "Well, of course I did. How could I forget!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and he swung you around.

When he stopped, you both look up at the sky to see the last firework light up the sky. "That was the best birthday present ever." you said, smiling.

"That's not the only one." Luffy smiled. "I got one more." You widen your eyes. "One more?" you asked. "What else is there-"

You were stopped by stunning kiss. And another one that was slow and passionate. And one more that was sweet and innocent.

"Oh Luffy..." you breathed between kisses. "I love you."

"Love you more." Luffy giggled, as he took off of his straw hat and placed it softly on top if your head.

"This is the best birthday ever." you laughed, and you and Luffy stared up at the stars holding hands.

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