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"Just hang on!" Sanji called.

"It's not that easy, you know!" you yell back. You were holding on the tips of your fingers over a cliff. "Hurry!"

Sanji kicked another Marine and tried to get to you, but more Marines surrounded him. You tried to find a foot hole in the rock but slipped off completely. Your knuckles were turning white. "Help me!" you screamed.

Suddenly, two Marines appeared above you. "What do we have here?" they smirked. They looked at each other in a silent agreement. "The wanted poster for 40 million beris does say DEAD or alive." They glared back down onto you.

"Y/N!" Sanji screamed, as the Marines stomped on your hands. You bit back a scream and kept holding on. One of your hands fell. "Sanji!" you yell, thinking for the last time.

Then, the two Marines who stood over you fell over the edge and tumbled down the cliff, screaming. Sanji appeared above you and, grabbing your arms, pulled you up into his.

You grip his shirt and pressed you face against his chest, his heart racing fast. Sanji stroked your hair, whispering everything ok now. "I promise I'll be there to save you and keep you safe for now on." He kissed me lightly on the forehead.

Tears began falling from your eyes. Then, you jumped and wrapped your arms around his neck, making him and you fall back to where you were laying on of him, as he laid flat on the ground. You kissed him.

When you released him, he was crying. Then, covering his face, he wept. "I promise, Y/N, I promise." You smiled and took his hands in yours.

Then, you bent down, and kissed him again. And again. And again.

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