Sanji's First

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I watched the cook pace back and forth in the hall, anxiety, nervousness, and concern all plastered on his face. His hands wouldn't stop fidgeting and twitching. Sweat trickled down his temple.

"You need to calm down." I broke the silence. "What are you so nervous about?" Sanji seemed to acknowledge, but didn't respond. He stopped in his tracks and collasped next to me against the wall. Usopp returned with a glass of water and handed it to the nervous wreck. The cup trembled in his hand.

"I honestly don't know." The cook finally sighed. He hugged his knees and rocked back and forth. "I can't believe she's having a baby...."

I cracked a smile and slapped the cook on the back of his shoulder. "I don't know who to be concern about: you or the baby." Sanji fell silent once again.

I shook his shoulder. "You got nothing to worry about; you are going to be a great father. This is your dream, isn't it? To raise a family with Y/N?"

The cook nodded. "All I've ever wanted to do was to succeed in what Zeff couldn't: Find the All Blue; raise a family."

"Then, embrace it." I said.

Suddenly, the door opened and the doctor stepped out with a huge smile on his face. "Come on; time to meet your son."

Sanji gulped as his eyes widen. Usopp patted him on the back as he slowly rose to his feet. But before he could take a step, I jumped to my feet and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Embrace it, Love Cook." then gave him a light push on his back. He flashed a smile behind him and entered the room with a joyful sob.

One hour later, he announces the blonde-headed baby boy's name as Zeff.

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