Ace's Mission Part 1

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An island finally appeared after 4 days of drifting through the calm waters of the sea, which was literally a life-saver, considering my food supply had disappeared the day before. I rowed my little boat to land, eagered to sink my black boots into solid ground. It was also a great source for obtaining information on Marshal D. Teach, aka Blackbeard, for it was a very large island.

After parking my ride at the local harbor, I payed the rent and then took a scroll into the main square. There were many shops, merchant booths, restaurants, stages, and parks. I noticed all the happy moods in the crowd and wondered what got everyone excited.

I headed for the largest bar I could find, figuring that's where I could start on my research. Inside, I could tell which thugs were pirates and who were bandits and who were innocent and actually was there for a good time. I caught a few evil glares and returned the gesture with a smirk as I seated myself at the main counter, and studied my surroundings some more, eliminating all the amatuers from the mature. A few young maidens served as waitresses and were continuously getting touched inappropiately by perverts and drunk scum.

"Excuse me, sir." I called over to the bartender, and he happily assisted me. "How may I help you, my friend?" I shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm a bounty hunter who's looking for his next meal. I'm trying to train myself to get stronger and I want the big guns. I grown interested in one particular fellow by the name of Marshall D. Teach, but some call him Blackbeard."

The bartender's eyes widen slightly and shook his head. "Woah there, son. You'll get yourself in a heap of trouble if you go that route. Blackbeard is dangerous business. There are a few Wanted out there that could pay, though. Take it from a friend." I nodded in appreciation and folded my hands. "Do you know his whereabouts so I know to avoid him?"

The bartender shook his head again. "I'm afraid not, son. The last I've heard he was on this island was about a month ago. I heard that he headed north, but that's about it."

"Thank you." I bowed my head and rotated in my seat with a disappointed sigh. Then, a woman 's scream echoed in the parlor and everyone's conservations retreated to witness the scene. My eyes narrowed as I saw a drunken handled a small maiden by her tiny wrist with a sharp knife in the other hand, raised above his head.

"Hey!" I called to the scum. His head jerked to my direction and his eyes grew wild. "Don't get in my way or you'll be next!" I noticed the huge beer stain on his filthy shirt and got the story quickly. "You better unhand that maiden before I make you." I threatened simply, and my eyes gained contact with the frightened waitress's blue orbs.

"You want to fight!" The drunken wrenched the girl around and down on her knees and kicked her away with his colossal boot. She collasped on her hands and her head hung, her long brown curls hid her face.

I glared at the thug and spit in his direction. "Give me your worst."

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