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"Hey, Y/N! Watch this!" you heard Luffy yell. You turn your head to see Luffy sliding down the windy tube to the kiddie pool below.

You laughed as he flipped over in his inner tube as he hit the water. Usopp flipped him over and Luffy ran over to where you were lounging.

"Did you see? Did you see?" he asked repeatedly. Luffy scooted his tube farther up his torso and adjusted his snorkel mask, while grinning. "Yes, Luffy, I saw you." you said.

"Come on," Luffy pulled on your hand. "Go on that huge slide with me!" You looked over at the slide he was referring to and saw it was tall and long.

At first, you were like 'Hell no!', but then you saw Luffy's pleading eyes, and decided to make an exception for him.

"Alright, but just one time."

Luffy led you to the slide and raced up the stairs to the top. The lifeguard escorted you two to the slide and instructed Luffy to sit on his bottom. Then, he told you to sit in front of Luffy.

"Isn't that dangerous?" you asked, wondering why the lifeguard would tell you that.

"This is the Love Slide. Couples go down together with the woman in front of the man." the lifeguard explained, and then instructed to get in front of Luffy again.

Love Slide? Are you kidding? you thought. Luffy, I'm going to drown you.

Reluctantly, you eased yourself to where your back was pressed against Luffy's chest and braced yourself as the lifeguard pushed you forward.

The ride was super fast and you clung to Luffy for dear life. Luffy wrapped you in his arms and laughed and whooped. You opened your eyes and realized you could see the whole park from where you were sliding. You realized how fun you were having with Luffy holding onto you. You hugged him tighter.

As you two hit the water, you helped Luffy afloat and swam to the side. "That was so fun!" he smiled. "Let's do it again!" You shook your head and smiled.

"Lead the way, Luffy."

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