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You laid in bed, miserable. Your head is feverish. Your palms were sweaty. You felt cold but hot at the same time. Absolutely miserable. A cold rag was rested across your forehead, but it wasn't working at all. In fact, it only seem to make things worst.

The knock at the door pounded inside your head. You cringed your neck from the flat pillow and croaked, "Come in."

Sanji popped his head in with a slight grin. "Hey," his voice was really soothing. "I'd thought you might like something warm to eat." He entered the room with a tray in his hands. On the tray, was a bowl of homemade soup. A Sanji Speciality.

Sanji pulled up a chair and table, and then, placing the tray on the table, grabbed some extra pillows and adjusted your head and neck.

"Alright, it's a little hot so sip slowly." Sanji warned me, and brought the spoon close to your mouth. The warm broth slid down your sore throat and you immediately felt so much better.

"Thank you, Sanji." you smiled.

Sanji brushed away a loose strand of hair from your sweaty face. "Even in this stage, you are the most beautiful woman I know."

"You're just saying that." you rolled your eyes, laughing, though it hurt to. Sanji smiled. Then, he leaned down and his lips slowly touched yours.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too, Sanji. And you know wat? i feel so much better."

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