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You sat in the kitchen eating some of Sanji's famous cakes that he made especially for you. You sat alone in the kitchen as Sanji delivered everyone else's snack. You smiled at every bite.

Sanji opened the door and walked in with an empty tray under his arm. "Hey you enjoying that?" he asked, winking. "I made it just for you, you know?" You smiled and nodded.

"It's delicious as always." you said. "You really out-done yourself this time."

Sanji took a seat next to you and smiled deeply into your eyes. "Um...Sanji?" you stuttered. Wow, you thought, he's really close.

"Don't move," he whispers. "I don't want to miss."

"Miss? What do you mean by--"

You're cut off by a sudden kiss on the lips. You sit there, wide-eyed. But you didn't move. You let Sanji kiss you as long as he wanted to. When he releases you, you didn't wait for words, you went right back at him with a full kiss.

Finally, you both let go and looked into each other's eyes.

I love you." Sanji whispered.

"And I love you, Sanji." you said right back.

And you kissed him for the rest of the night.

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