IMAGINES- Nami X Sanji

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I had to say yes.

All he did was ask and ask and ask.

"Nami-swan! Let's go have dinner! Just the two of us on a romantic date!"

Ugh, I thought. I had no choice after the 23rd time. He told me he would let me choose what we got to do. So I decided to go simple and told him a plain little restaurant would do. He exploded with happiness and I knew this was going to be a interesting night.

"See you guys later tonight." I shouted to Luffy and the others. "We'll be back soon." And with that, Sanji offered me his arm, but I denied it. Let's just get this night over with.

Sanji took me to a small bistro like I asked for and got us a table. "Hey, Sanji." I mentioned. "Promise me you won't criticize the food." I knew how he was when it came to other people's food." Sanji nodded.

"Anything you say, Nami-swan." Sanji said, he set his chin on his hand. His eyes were glistening. "What?" I asked. "Why are you looking at me that way?"

Sanji blinked. "Sorry, my love. I was just admiring your beauty." I pressed my fingers against my temple. I knew this was a bad idea. But I was wrong.

Sanji turned out to be a fun date. I never realized how funny he was or how interesting he could be. All this time I thought he was some ladies' man. (Well, I take that back, he'll always be one.)

But back to the story, it was a nice evening. Once we were done eating, I didn't want the night to end. So I mentioned the local park on the island. Sanji seemed to like the idea and grasped my hand to guide to it. I didn't jerk my hand away.

It was getting really dark so after a stroll around the park, we decided to head back. We were back in town when suddenly Sanji was hit in the head from behind. He fell to the ground hard. Then, someone wearing a black mask clasped my mouth shut and scooped me up and ran away with me.

"Sanji!" I tried to scream. "Help me!" I tried to remove the man's hand from my mouth. "Sanji!"

The kidnappers took me to a building with dark rooms. "Ok, pretty girl." the masked man laughed. "Let's have some fun."

"You're lucky that we saved you from that other bastard." another guy said from behind me.

"Leave me alone." I said, and backed away from them until I was trapped against the cracked wall. The masked man touched my chin and lifted my head to his eye level. He came closer to my face.

"No...please don't..."

Then, the wall exploded. "What the hell!" the kidnappers shouted. "Who did that!"

I looked over and saw a figure appear out of the smoke. "Sanji!" I happily called. Oh thank goodness.

"How dare you kidnap my one true love." Sanji growled. The masked man laughed. "Can it, Romeo. We all know you're just a ladies' man. You don't really care about just one girl."

Sanji punched the man. "How dare you. You don't know anything about me." Then, he knocked out the rest of the crooks.

He looked up at me. "Nami...are you ok?" I stared at him and nodded. "Yea, I'm fine, thank you." Then, I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I couldn't help myself. "Nami? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Sanji asked. In response, I started crying.

Sanji held me tightly. "It's ok, Nami. You're safe now." We left the building and headed back to the ship.

As we left the building, Sanji offered me his arm. "Stay close to me, ok?" I nodded and accepted. We walked arm in arm.

"Nami, I love you." Sanji said. "I meant it when I said you were my true love. I'm sorry that I hid it by flirting with other girls. All of you think I'm some ladies' man. But it's not true." He stared into my eyes.

"I truly do love you."

I smiled and stopped walking. Sanji looked confused. I cupped his face with my hands and brought it close to where our noses touched.

"I love you, too." I whispered. "My love cook.

Our lips touched and we didn't let go until we needed air. When we did, I knew that this was the start of something new.

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