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"Y/N-swan!" Sanji called to you. "Wait for me!" You turned and found yourself in Sanji's arms. He spun you around.

"Hey! Sanji!" you struggled to get out of his tight arms. "You're crushing me. Can't breathe!" You took deep breaths when he released you.

"Damn, you almost killed me." you complained. Sanji put on a sad face and his bottom lip quivered. You smiled at that cute face. "If you wanted a hug, then all you had to do is either ask or do it gently." Sanji's face lightened up.

"I was just going to shop for some clothes and foods." you said, smiling. "Want to join me?" Sanji nodded his head quickly.

"Yes, Y/N-swan!" Sanji grinned. "I'll carry your bags, too!"

"Aw, thanks!" you said, and you two shopped together.

Once you were done, the sun was already half set. The sky was full of pretty colors. "Come on," Sanji said. "Let's head back before it gets too dark." You nod and you two head back.

Suddenly, you tripped over the cobbled road and began to fall. But you were caught in Sanji's arms. You look up and your eyes met with his. The sun's rays reflected his handsome face. His fingers around your shoulder tighten.

You were afraid to blink, thinking you were going to miss something. His eyes glistened in sunlight. "Are you ok?" Sanji asked. He looked so serious.

"Yeah, I'm fine." you breathed. That's so stupid, you thought. You blushed at the thought. Sanji's face was really close.

"Sanji..." you said. "You can let me go now." Sanji blushed. "Right, sorry." He helped you up, but didn't let go of your arms. Both of you were blushing now.

"Y/N..." Sanji breathed. You were shocked by the way he said your name. He's never done that before. "What is it, Sanji?"

He answered with a passionate perfect kiss .

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