Sanji and Chef Zeff

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When Sanji first left Chef Zeff to join Luffy on his crew and to seek the All Blue, it brought me to tears. Now here's a special when Sanji returns home.


The Baratie floated in the distance. I could see they've done some upgrading on the decks and upper floor like they've always talked about. Finally got to it after the attack from Don Kreig.

The Sunny was getting closer to the restaurant by the second. What was I going to say when I open the front door? What do I say? Once I open that door, all the chefs are going to want to tell the old man I was back.

Chef Zeff. I always wondered how he was doing while sailing around the Grand Line. Especially when I made his favorite dishes. But now I was back and I didn't know what was going to happen.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Zoro asked. I shook my head and smiled. "Nah, I rather go in by myself and get acquainted with everyone. I'll come get you guys when I'm ready." Zoro nodded, and left me alone in front of the entrance.

"Well, here I go." I said out loud, and I opened the door. At first, there was nothing except the few customers at the front tables. Then, one of the chefs spotted me.

"Oh my God!" he yelled. "It's Sanji!" The whole restraurant exploded with excitement. All the chefs crowded around me, hugging me and ruffling my hair and giving me playful punches in the arms. "We're so glad you're safe!" "Where have you been all this time!" "We thought we'd never see you again!" Tears all pouring down their happy faces. I had the urge to hold mine back.

"Yes, it's great to see all of you again!" I exclaimed. "I can't wait to tell all of you about my adventures!" Then, looking around, I frowned. "Where is he?" All the chefs' faces suddenly sunk, which scared me a little. "Well? Where is the old man?"

One of them pointed upstairs. "He's in his room." His tone gave me an uneasy feeling. "Excuse me." I said, and I made my way up the staircase to the old man's room.

There he laid in bed, looking beat down and tired. It hit me like a ton of bricks to see him that way. I knocked softly on the open door to get his attention. "So I guess old age has finally caught up with you." I joked, leaning against the door's frame.

Zeff's eyes met mine and his frown slowly curled into a smile. "Well, it took you long enough. You kept me waiting for 3 years for crying out loud." 3 years...that long. I scooted a small stool to the side of his bed and sat down.

"You've grown." Zeff said, studying me up and down. "You actually look like a man now and not a scrawny brat." I gave him an annoyed look. "Well, you haven't changed one bit, Old Man." Zeff let out a hearty laugh, then he stared at me with concern.

I breathed in deeply and took one of his hands in mine. "I found it, Zeff." I smiled. "I found the All Blue." Zeff's eyes soften and he squeezed my hand. "What did I say, boy? I knew it was out there!"

"You sure did." I agreed. "It was the most beautiful sight I ever saw." Zeff slipped his hand from my hold and cupped the back of my neck. "I knew you could do it. All along, I waited for this day to come so you could tell you succeeded. Thank God, that I've lived to see this day to see you safe!"

"Oh Zeff..." I cried, and I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. Zeff's hand was pressed against my head as he brought me closer to him. "I'm so proud of you, Sanji." he whispered. "I couldn't ask for a better son."

New tears fell from my face as I buried it in Zeff's shoulder. Finally, I released him and sat back down on the stool, but I didn't release his hand. "I've got so much to tell you," I sniffed, and I tried to wipe away my tears. "that I don't even know where to start."

Zeff wiped away his own tears and squeezed my hand. "Start from the beginning, Sanji. I don't want you leave out anything."

And so, for the rest of the day, I told Zeff everything about my adventure. While doing so, Zeff's words echo in my ear.

"I couldn't ask for a better son."

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