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You and the crew have arrived at a new island. "Oh wow, it's really pretty." you awed. "I wonder if they have any good clothing here?" You stepped off the ship and onto the docks.

Sanji went off the buy food, while Luffy and Usopp went to explore. Nami took her tools and went to measure the island. The only person who hasn't left the ship was Zoro.

"Hey Zoro!" you called to him. You climbed back onto the ship to find Zoro leaning up against the posts. "Come on, Zoro. You should go walk around the town. I bet we could find some really neat stuff."

Zoro stared at you like you were stupid, but got up anyway. "Fine, but only because I have nothing better to do." You smiled and you two began walking through the streets.

"Hey, let's go into that store first." you pointed and dragged Zoro along. You picked out a sleeveless shirt and showed it to Zoro. "Do you think Nami will like this?" Zoro stared at you.

"Do I look like I know what fashion is?" Zoro asked. You looked down to what he was wearing and then smiled nonchalantly. "Nope." you laughed. Zoro seemed annoyed with that. "What's that suppose to mean?!" You laughed harder.

"Well, I'm getting it anyway for her." you decided and walked up to the register; Zoro was close behind you.
"My, you two make a cute couple." the lady behind the counter complimented.

Zoro blushed. "We're not a couple." I giggled at his red face. "Yeah, we're just friends." you said, and you bought the shirt. As you were leaving, Zoro was muttering to himself.

"Come on, you big baby." you hooked your arm through his and dragged him along. Then, you past a window of a jewelry shop. You gazed at the sparkling necklaces in the window. "Wow, aren't they beautiful?" you awed. You looked up at Zoro. "Well, aren't they? Even you can't think these aren't outstanding." Zoro cleared his head.

"Yeah, I guess they are pretty. So are you going to buy one or not?" Zoro replied. You looked at one of the lockets. It was a heart-shaped locket on a silver chain with a lot of little red jewels covering it, and it was lined with gold. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of it.

Zoro must've saw you eyeing it, because before you knew it, you heard Zoro say, "Wait here." and rush inside the jewelry store. You were too shocked to move. A couple minutes later, Zoro came back out and held up the locket. "Oh didn't have to do that."

"Well if you weren't going to buy it, I might as well for you." Zoro explained, his face turning a faint red. "Hold still now." You didn't move as Zoro bent down close to your face as he unlatched the necklace and clipped it around my neck. You focused on Zoro's handsome face.

"There." Zoro said, standing up straight. Then, he raised his hand to his chin. "You know, that actually looks good on you." You blushed at the compliment. "Really, Zoro?"

Zoro blushed harder. "Uh...yeah." You giggled. Zoro looked at you, confused. "Hey, what's so funny?"

"It's nothing." you said, gripping the locket in your fist. Then, you gazed into Zoro's eyes. "I will cherish this locket forever, Zoro. Thank you."

And you kissed Roronoa Zoro right then and there.

And you were the one who let go first.

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