Zoro's Dedication Part 2

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My eyes bulged. Hawkeye Mihawk's daughter? This woman? There's no way.

Colette smirked at my reaction. "You should see your face." she laughed. "I guess it is kind of shocking, knowing I'm the daughter of your goal to beat." I gritted my teeth.

"Whatever, I don't care if your his daughter. My ambitions are my own, you got that?" I said, avoiding eye contact. Colette rolled her eyes. "Men. You don't want to show weakness in front of a woman. And not just a woman, your enemy's daughter."

"Shut up about being his daughter!" I shouted, making her silence herself. "I don't care who you are! Just get out of my way!" She looked hurt at my words, but I didn't care to acknowledge and pushed my way past her.

"I just wanted to help..." Colette mumbled to where I barely heard it. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her. "Help? Help with what exactly? The vine thing? Look, thanks, but I got to--"

"I want to help you become the world's greatest swordsman!" Colette interrupted me, yelling.

I stared at her to find a sign of joke, but her expression was very serious. I went along anyway. "And how are you going to do that?" I smirked. Colette walked up to me to where she stood a foot away from my face. Her green eyes had determination in them. She was a swordsman. I sighed.

"Look, I don't understand why someone like you would want to help me defeat their own father." I tried to make it sound as though it was a bad idea, which was my intention. But Colette smiled like she didn't care.

"Why should I worry about my father getting beat. I've tried to defeat him countless times. I've studied his movements and strategies. If you want to be the world's greatest swordsman, then you have to defeat Hawkeye Mihawk. I can help you do that." She held out her hand to seal the partnership.

I gave her a concern look. "Why do you want me to succeed in my ambitions?" At first, Colette didn't answer. Then, she breathed in deeply, and exhaled.

"Because I can't stand seeing him holding that title."

"Colette, I--" I started, but was cut off again by her rage.

"He's selfish. He can't even train his own daughter without laughing at her weakness and inability." She bit her quivering bottom lip. I knew she was holding back tears. She was strong.

"Colette." I said, and she gazed up into my eyes. "Who gave you that scar on your face?"

Colette brought her fingers to the right side of her face.

"He did." she said.

I closed my eyes and thought for a second. This woman basically wanted to train me to defeat her father.

"Alright, what do I need to do?"

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