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"You can't just leave me here alone!" you shouted. "I demand I speak to Captain Whitebeard now!" The two that had thrown you into the cell snickered. "Sure we can, by orders of Whitebeard himself." Then, they left laughing, leaving you in a cold dark wet cage.

You cradled your knees and rocked back and forth. "Luffy...Zoro...Nami..." Your voice echoed through the pitch black space. Ever since you got thrown off the Going Merry during the storm, you've been growing weaker and just getting more bad luck. The moment Whitebeard found out you were a pirate, he quickly had thrown in a cell.

"Did you just say 'Luffy'?" a voice came from the other side of your cell. You gazed up and saw a tall muscular man whose face was lit by a lantern. He wore an orange hat on his black curly hair, and he had freckles on his cheeks. He had handsome green eyes that seemed to pierce something inside of you.

"Why would you want to know?" you said, twisting your body so you could face him. "So you can capture my crew, too? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know where they are." The man shook his head and laughed a little. "No, no. I would never do that to my little brother unless he deserved it."

Little brother? Then, it hit you. Now that you look at him, he did have some of Luffy's features. "So Luffy's your brother?" you asked, just to make sure." The man laughed, which made you want to smile along with him, but you held it back. "Yup, that's my little brother!"

Then, he got serious again. "My name is Portgas D. Ace, by the way, but you can just call me Ace." he introduced himself. "What about you?" You hesitated, but then you began to relax. "Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, I would like ask you a few things before I go, if that's ok with you?" You nod, and Ace slipped himself in the cell and sat down next to you. You could actually feel his body heat coming off and you had an urge to press your freezing body against it. You shivered at the thought of being cold and wet.

Ace saw this, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in onto his warm body. You blushed and didn't say anything. "So," Ace began, as if he was not embarrassed like this. "How did you get separated from my brother's crew?"

You explained how a huge storm swept away the ship and you were trying to maintain the sail; when suddenly a monstrous wave swallowed the deck of the Merry and knocked you off the side of the ship. Luckily, you had found a loose board that must've came off the ship that you could float on. You waited out the storm and clung to dear life. Two days later, the Whitebeard pirates found you.

"I see," Ace mumbled. Then, he stood up, leaving you cold all over again and left without another word, and you wondered why. You curled up in a ball trying to keep warm in your wet and clammy clothes.

A couple hours had passed, and you heard Ace's voice. "I'm back." You lifted your weak head and tried to focus your vision. Ace came inside the cell and handed you a bag. Inside was food, drinks, new clothes, and a blanket. You lifted your head. "Thank you." You felt tears of gratefulness fall.

"No problem. Why don't you get dress and we'll talk some more." Ace said. "Don't worry, I'll leave." And he did. You got dress into a pair of floppy brown pants that was elastic at the ankles, and a white long-sleeved shirt. He even put clean underwear and bra in there.

I wrapped the fleece blanket around my shoulders and ate the food and drinks heartedly. Then, I noticed a brush and some beautiful ribbons. "Where did you get these?" you asked out loud.

"The market, of course." You jumped at the sound of his voice. "You scared me, Ace." Ace laughed at your embarrassed face. "Sorry, I just came to ask you more questions." He sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders again. This time, you leaned onto his warm body and began brushing your tangled rat's nest.

"How's my brother?" Ace asked. "He's fine, I guess. He's just the same goofy Luffy anyone would recognized." you laughed at all the thought of Luffy digging his into meat and the way he would light up the whole world with his smile.

"You miss him?" Ace asked. You nodded. "I miss them all. I wonder if they're out looking for me." You felt tears falling down your cheeks, as you braided your long now-straight hair. You reached for one of the ribbons, but Ace beat you to it. He tied it around the end of my braid in the bow. "I thought it would beautiful on you." he smiled. "Guess I was right."

You blushed at the compliment. "Thank you for everything, Ace." You leaned more onto his warm body and nestled your head on his chest. You felt Ace's hand on your arm tighten.

Then, you felt yourself being lifted and you found yourself being carried in Ace's arms. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" you asked, as you rearranged yourself in his muscular biceps.

Ace smiled down on you, making your heartbeat speed up. "I'm taking you home, silly." You smiled, and wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up to kiss his cheek.

Then, you nestled back down, rested your head on Ace's shoulder, and closed your eyes. You were saved.

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