Usopp's Dream Part 5

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"AGH!!" Luffy yelled. "Where is he!?" He began to run around like moron, waving his arms in the air. "We've looked everywhere!"

"We'll find him, Luffy." I said, lighting another cigarette. "The idiot couldn't have gone far. It's not like he left the island." Nami sighed. "We can't leave without him; so let's keep looking. If split up in groups, it'll quicken the search."

"I agree with Nami." Zoro nodded. "There's no way any of us are going to give up on our sniper." Everyone agreed. So we decided to split up and look for the one person, though he may be a coward most of the time, who holds the crew together.


We ducked down behind some bushes and peeked over. I gasped when I spotted Nami and Zoro tied up to a post.

Zoro looked a little dazed, as if he just woke up. They must've knocked him out somehow before capturing him. Nami seemed ok, and she was trying to use her strength to break the tough thick ropes.

"Roronoa Zoro." Isabel breathed. "He's a famous Pirate Hunter from the East Blue." I cracked a smile despite the situation. "He's also one of my friends on my crew." Isabel's eyes widened. I focused my vision back on Nami and Zoro, and I tried to come up with a plan to free them.

"I have an idea on how to get them out." I whispered, and I slipped my slingshot out of my bag. Isabel placed a hand on my arm. "How can I help?"


Before I knew it, we were caught. The Marines knocked Zoro in the head and he fell unconscious. They pushed me down with him.

One thing led to another, The Marines tied us up. Zoro was still out and I was praying for him to wake up. "Come on, Zoro." I breathed. "I kind of need you to kick these guys' asses." But all I got was a groan and a little bit of movement. At least he was still alive.

Suddenly, one of the Marines was hit in the neck by a small explosion. Then, two more took down two more guards. "We're under attack!!!" the Marines panicked. "It's coming from all sides!!! Find them!!!"

But it was no good, soon all the Marines were laying down on the ground, unconscious. Right after that, a girl with glasses popped out of the bushes with a slingshot in her hand. "Don't worry," she smiled. "I'm here to help."

"Well, I really hoped for that." I sighed in relief. Suddenly, I felt someone untying the ropes around my wrists. I turned to find myself face to...nose...with USOPP!!!


"USOPP!" Nami cried happily. "It's you!" As the bonds loosened around her hands, she leaped and wrapped her arms around my neck. "We've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Damn, Nami." I laughed. "Miss me that much?" Nami smiled, and helped me with Zoro, who was finally coming around.

I almost forgot about Isabel. I glanced up and saw how uncomfortable she looked.

"Isabel." I said, standing up. Isabel shifted her weight on one side. "Well, I better go. Backup will be coming soon." She began to leave, but I stopped her by grasping her hand. "Wait." I said, and I glanced a look to Zoro and Nami. They got the message.

"Isabel," I breathed, once we were alone. "Come with me." Her brown eyes widened, then she relaxed and bit her lip. "I can't."

"Why not?" I asked. "You can live your dream and become a pirate like your father." Isabel smiled. "That's the thing; I don't want to be like my father."

"What about your dream?"

"That can wait for another time."

Then, she leaned forward, cocked her head to the left, and planted a kiss on my lips. My eyes widened at first, but I slowly closed them and took in her kiss. Releasing slowly, I held her head close to my chest and another arm around her shoulders.

"I'll never forget you, Little Izzy." I whispered in her ear. "Nor I to you." Isabel breathed. We released our hug and I sprinted to and along side Zoro and Nami.

"Hey! Usopp!" Luffy's voice yelled. "Over here!" I spotted him and Sanji and the three of us rushed towards them. Then, all 5 of us sprinted to the Going Merry.

"Set sail!" Nami ordered, and us boys got to work. And just in time.

Once we were out of range, I walked up to the front of the ship and stared out over the ocean. The giant sun had started to dip into the horizon.

"Isabel..." I sighed, then I smiled. "We'll meet again one day."

"I promise."

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