Kid's Rage Part 4

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She woke up shortly after I arrived back to camp, dazed and confused. "What the hell happened? I don't remember anything..."

"You starved yourself." I spat to the side. "You should eat more or next time you're never going to wake up again."

"Yeah..." She fell silent. "Um...thank you. You know, for carrying me back." As she took a small bite from a fruit, we both averted our gazes.

My mouth twisted the side and took a quick glance back at her. Her eyes had not left the tips of the crackling flames. The half-eaten fruit was grasped in her fist. Her knees are closed in against her bony chest. Lucy looked so depressed. When she had awoken, I had just set her down near the fire, and both of us had grew silent in the situation. I grew hot in the face and scooted away from the heat of the fire. So did she.

"I guess I was right..." she muttered.

"About what?"

"You are a nice guy underneath all that ego."

I sneered at her. "You got some gut to say that to me, chick. Try 'paying-a-debt'. We're even now. Next time you black out, I'm not saving your ass."

"I was just complimenting you." Her smile disappeared. "There's no need to get so angry. Don't your friends and ever compliment you?"

I glared down on her, though she didn't looked phased. "You shut your mouth. You're on your way to getting a shard of metal in your head."

"I'm sorry." She said simply. " I'm sorry that you are like this."

I rose to my feet with my back to her. "You have no idea." I growled as I stomped away and into the woods.

"Kid! Wait!" Lucy called, but I had already disappeared.

Pushing the weeds from my path, I didn't stop until I was at the foot of a sudden cliff. I sighed out of defeat. "Great. Just great." I scooped up a fist-sized rock and chunked it over the edge and into the pitch-black abyss. Looking across, I saw the ocean line, the moon's reflection shimmered in a long vertical line into the horizon. Somewhere, Killer and the rest of my crew are out there. Or who's left.

I pondered over on how the hell I was going to get off this island after I found them. That's another problem for another time.


Wait, what the hell?

Why was I thinking of her? I slapped and cursed myself. I was done with her. I'll find my crew on my own. Suddenly, the image of me carrying her limped body back to camp. Her head rested against my shoulder. Her face actually appeared...peaceful.

A low growl interrupted my thoughts.

Glaring over my shoulder, I saw a monstrous tiger-like creature. Its fangs bared and the growl deepened, its piercing yellow pupils shot right through me, like it knew every pinpoint of me. I spat to the side. "Come on, kitty kitty."

Taunting, I learned, was not a good idea.

The beast was fast. Too fast.

I managed to dodge its swiping daggers by an inch. I rolled over on my side and jumped to my feet and side-stepped just in time for the hammer attack. Then, my wound opened and blood splurted out of the bandages. Gritting my teeth, I instintively cupped it with force. I had to get away somehow or things were going to get ugly. I only had two shards of metal as my weapon, which didn't seem like it would do much damage to such a large and meaty creature. I cursed as I continued to dodge at the edge of the cliff.

My heel hit the edge and broke off a piece of rock. I glanced back and then at the beast. "Come on, beast. I'm ready."

The cat crouched to the ground as it prepared itself to pounce.

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