Luffy's Hat Part 1

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I stretched my arms in the air and laughed out loudly. "Yes! Finally! An island!" I was eager to get off the ship and explore it.

Nami hooked her fingers around the collar of my shirt to hold me back. "Hold on, Luffy! We have to go over ground rules." I pouted a little as I plopped myself down on the deck. Crossing my arms, I was forced to listen to Nami and Sanji go over the the times and rules.

"And remember, Luffy," Nami eyed me. "No getting caught!" I waved my hand at her. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. Can I go now?"

"Sunset, Luffy." Sanji said. "Not a minute after."

I was already off the ship.

Restaurant. Restaurant. Restaurant.
Food. Food. Food.
Meat. Meat. Meat.

I finally made it to some kind of bar that sold food. Yes! I sprinted to the entrance and demanded to be fed. The waiter placed food in front of me and I began to stuff my face.

"You!" I heard a voice shout behind me. I turned to find myself facing a woman. She had an angry expression on her face. "What do you think you're doing with that?!" she yelled.

The woman had short, messy black curls with her bangs almost covering her dark green eyes. The angry pouty face she made it look like she wanted to kill me. or at least beat me senseless.

"What?" I questioned, confused. "I don't know what you're talking about!" The woman's face began to turn even more sour. "How dare you?!" she yelled, and stabbed a sudden knife in the table, right next to my arm.

Then, she wrenched my straw hat off my head. I snapped. "Hey!" I shouted. "No one touches my hat!"

"It's not your hat!" she snapped, which made me stop in my tracks. I watched as the woman began to cradle my hat.

"This is Shank's hat." she breathed and she eyed me with sudden hate.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

The woman gazed into my eyes, giving me an uneasy feeling in my gut. Gripping my straw hat against her chest, she straightened herself.

"My name is Winter." she introduced herself, the corners of her mouth tugged at a grin. "I'm Shank's little sister."

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