Zoro's Deditcation Part 5

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I woke up looking at the blue sky. My head was killing me as I propped myself up on my elbows. As I did, a wet cloth fell in my lap from my forehead.

"You're finally awake." I turned my head and found Zoro kneeling down next to me. "How do you feel?" he asked. I rubbed my head. "Fine, I guess. But you," I pointed at him. "Shouldn't be the one asking questions."

Zoro sighed. "Alright, I'll tell you everything."

After hearing his story, I understood why he would want to stay and continue his dream alone. But he was still thinking about.

"This Colette..." I said. "Where is she?" Zoro gestured towards the woods with his head. "She went out to gather water from a nearby stream for your wound. She'll be back soon."

"Do you love her?" I asked straight out. I swore Zoro blushed. "I can't afford to have feelings for someone." he said, keeping his head. "My ambitions has always came first. I've already made a mistake when it came to my feelings."

"You've loved someone before?" I asked, but seeing Zoro's expression, I regretted asking. I waved it off. "Nevermind," I said. "Just forget I ever asked." Zoro went silent for about a minute.

Then, he chuckled a little. "I can"t believe I'm telling you this." He peered over at me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Her name was Kuina." he said. "She was my goal to beat when we were kids. We trained together at the same dojo."

"What happened?" I asked, curiously. Zoro swallowed. "She died...in an accident."

"I'm sorry." was all I could say. Zoro nodded and slightly smiled. "Thanks."

Suddenly, a woman appeared out of the woods with two jugs of water. "Hey, Zoro." she called. Then, she spotted me. "Hey! You're awake!"

As she got closer, I noticed her features and realized how much everything Zoro had said made sense. This poor woman. Yet she seemed so happy.

To be honest with myself, I couldn't see why Zoro would leave her. He should stay.


"Thank you for helping me." Sanji said, hoisting himself up to his feet. "I appreciate it."

Colette smiled and shook Sanji's hand. "I'm Colette." she introduced herself. "It's Sanji, right?" Sanji nodded, then shot at look at me. Luckily, Colette didn't seem to notice.

"I'm guessing you're here for Zoro." she continued to talk to Sanji. "I'm sorry for borrowing him for so long; the whole crew must've been worried." Sanji let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah...something like that."

I knew what he meant by that statement. Luffy. He must have a lot conclusions in his head right now. For all I know, he's still looking for me. He wasn't going to leave this island without me.

"Well," Colette smiled. "I guess you two should head out then." She turned to leave and I snapped back into focus. "Wait!" I said, before she could take a step. She faced me with a confused look and there was silence.

Sanji took a few steps back. "I'll let you two talk in private." I thanked him with my eyes and watched as he limped away.

I turned back to Colette, who had an anxious look on her face.

"Tell me." she said, placing her palm on my chest. "Are you going to be like my father?"

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