Sanji's Choice Part 5

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I watched as the Merry moved along the coastline.

Gripping Maria's hand, I bit back tears. I couldn't show them. Not now. Not ever.

Then, I heard Maria sigh.

I turned to facd her. "Is there something wrong, Maria?" Maria blinked before gazing up at me. "Yes, there is."

I grasped both of her hands in mine. "What is it?" I asked. Maria removed one hand to touch my cheek.

"You're still here."

"W-what?" I stuttered, confused. "I don't understand, Maria. Don't you want me to stay here with you?" Maria smiled brightly.

"Of course I do. But I'll still here when you finish leaving your dream. Living with the ones you belong with."

I stared deep into Maria's blue eyes. "Oh Maria." I wrapped my arms around her. She did the same to me. Then, she lightly pushed me. "Go on. You'll lose your ride."

I pulled her in one more time. "Thank you, Maria." I breathed, and kissed her lips. They were soft. I released slowly and stared into her eyes one last time.

"I'll come back for you, I promise." I said.

"I'll be waiting." were her final words as I sprinted across the shore to catch up to my friends.

"Wait!" I cried. I forced my legs to go faster. And faster. And faster. "WAIT!!!"

The Merry began to turn outward into the sea.

No, I thought. I'm not leaving.

I dove into the water and began to paddle as hard as I could. I built speed as I pushed. "LUFFY!!! NAMI!!!! USOPP!!!! ROBIN!!! ZORO!!!! CHOPPER!!!! WAIT!!!!" I screamed as loud as lungs would let me.

As I struggled to approach the Merry, I saw the rope ladder unroll over the edge. I steered over and hooked my arm over the bottom rung.

But I didn't stop to rest. I pushed myself to climb that ladder. Arm after arm, leg after leg. As I began to reach the top, I gazed up to find Zoro looking down on me.

Between us was his out-stretched hand to me. "Come on." he said, reaching his open hand closer to me. I grasped it and let him pull me to the deck.

There, Nami and Usopp and Chopper tackled me in a huge hug. Robin greeted me with a smile. Zoro patted my shoulder from behind.

Then, I spotted Luffy in front of me. I squeezed my way between Nami and Usopp and stopped to where I stood a few feet from Luffy.

"Luffy..." I breathed heavily. My head felt swarm of all the possible things I could say. "I'm so sorry. I know it was selfish of me to think I could leave you and this crew."

I fell to my hands and knees. "Please..." My voice shaken. "I beg you to let me rejoin the Straw Hat Pirates. I beg you to let me be your cook again. Please!" My voice echoed in the silence.

I slowly raised my head, and found an out-stretched hand in front of my face. Its owner had that familiar ridiculous smile glued to his goofy face. "Luffy..." I breathed, and brought myself to my feet.

"Thank you." I said, shaking his hand. "I promise to see your dream fulfilled."

"Alright!" Luffy shouted, with excitement. "Let's go! To find the One Piece!"



I found another song that fits this scene. It really makes Sanji's determination to reach the crew more powerful. It also explains the whole crew's ambition.

-On My Way
By Phil Colleen

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