Luffy's Hat Part 2

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I blinked. Twice.

Did I hear that right? No...I couldn't have. I let a small laugh.

The girl, Winter, lost her grin. "What's so funny?" Her nose scrunched up and her mouth twisted in a frown. "You don't believe me, do you?"

I stopped laughing and thought about it for a moment. Winter....little sister...

Oh crap.


Shanks let out a hearty laugh. "You know, Luffy, you remind me so much of my little sister! You're both so funny when you talk about your dreams!"

I got angry and jumped to my feet on the stool. "What's that suppose to mean, Shanks!?" Then, I did a double-take. "Wait, did you say you have a little sister?"

Shanks laughed and rested his forearms on the bar. "Yeah! Her name is Winter. She's about your age!" My eyes widened and smiled big. "Wow! Really!"

Shanks patted my head. "Yeah, she wants to be a pirate, too!" My smile grew bigger.

"Alright," I said, crossing my arms. "Then, in that case, when I become a pirate, I'm going to meet her and ask her to join my crew and she can help me become King of the Pirates!"

Shanks let out another laugh.


This is the same Winter?!

I cleared my throat. "Um...yeah I remember Shanks telling me about you one time." I told the truth.

Winter smirked, crossing her arms. She clenched the rim of my straw hat. "Shanks did tell you about me, didn't he?" I nodded my head slowly. This girl was freaking me out.

Winter let out a small giggle. "Well, Monkey D. Luffy, I can tell you that Shanks spoke of you a lot to me." I brightened up a little. "Really?" I questioned. She nodded.

Then, looking at the hat, she hesitantly tossed it back to me. Placing it back on my head, I was gestured by Winter to follow her. "Come on, I want to show you something."

I walked beside her as she led me to the shoreline. In front of us was the open ocean of the Grand Line. I could see dark clouds in the horizon and snow was falling onto the water. My crew and I had gone through that same storm to get to this island.

"What do you see, Luffy?" Winter asked, folding her hands behind her back. I gazed back out at the storm. "Um...not much but a big storm."

Winter smiled. "I knew that would be your answer." I cocked my head, confused. Winter held my hand in gesture to wait. "Let me ask you another question."

"When the snow melts, what does it become?" she asked softly. I thought about it. "Water." I answered, but Winter shook her head. "Nope."

"Then what?" I asked, even more confused.

"It becomes Spring." she breathed. I didn't reply. Winter sighed. "People only see the obvious and never take in the beauty in things first. They automatically go the easy and logical route and they end up failing miserably. It breaks the soul, Luffy."

She stared deep into my eyes, and I saw a swirl of gray wash over her pupils. "Be careful, Luffy. Your dreams are big for someone like you and if you don't be careful, you will fail to become King of the Pirates." I gulped, not knowing what to say.

"Come find me tomorrow, Luffy." Winter said, turning away to leave. "We have a lot to talk about."

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