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You and Usopp get separated from the rest of the crew when you were ambushed by zombies on Thriller Bark. You and Usopp ran for your lives.

"This way!" Usopp yelled, grabbing your hand. He led you into the dark scary forest. You stopped before stepping any farther. Usopp tried to pull you. "What's wrong? We got to hide in the forest to get away from those zombies!"

"I rather keep on the straight path than go in there. It looks scarier than the zombies!" you said, shaking. "This whole place scares me." Usopp squeezed your hand, which surprised you.

"Don't worry." Usopp said, he looked so serious for the first time awhile. "I'll protect you." When he said that, it let you see a whole new side of Usopp. You always thought Usopp was a coward and weakling. Someone who depended on everyone to survive. A selfish liar.

But now...

You let Usopp lead you into the forest. He kept you close under his arm and stopped at a tall tree with low limbs. "I'll help you up." Usopp said, and lifted you on the lowest branch.

Soon, you both were high enough to where the leaves hid you from the ground. The branch you and Usopp sat on was small so you had to sit very close together. Usopp still had his arm protectively around your shoulders.

"Usopp..." you whispered. Usopp looked over at you; his long nose almost touching yours. "What is it? Do you see something?" You shook your head. "No, I just wanted to ask why you're acting so brave all of the sudden. Usually in times like these you would be scared out of your wits and screaming and chattering and-"

"Ok, I get your point." Usopp interrupted. Then, he sighed. "I know I'm a coward. That's why I'm doing this." You were confused.

"I don't want to cowardly anymore." Usopp said. "I want to be brave and protect the ones I care about!"

"You care about me, Usopp?" you caught. Usopp blushed hard, and you giggled. Then, you snuggled onto his shoulder and scooted closer to him. You took hold of the hand that was wrapped around your shoulder and brought it closer to your heart.

"Well, I think you are doing amazing job." you said, smiling. Usopp laughed. "Really?" You nodded. There was a pause for about a moment. Then, Usopp spoke up again. "Hey, Y/N..."

"What is it, Usopp?" you breathed, leaning farther onto his warm body.

"You know, the only reason why I'm being so brave is because I have 8,000 men guarding us."

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