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You were walking home with the weekly groceries and supplies. "Wow! What a great sale!" you happily said. "I had just enough to buy enough for the week!" You returned to your tiny home.

Ever since you lost your parents, you been living alone in an abandoned shack. Well, technically, you had a father, but he became a pirate and never came back. Your mother of an illness a couple of years past. You had a job as a worker on farms that didn't pay very good, so you force to ration to have enough food.

Today seemed different for you, though. Everyone in the village seemed very skittish and quiet. It probably had something to do with pirates. Every time a pirate ship ever arrived, the village almost seem to go into hiding. You were the only one who didn't care.

You dropped off your food and supplies and grabbed your two most prized possessions: your mother's necklace and your bow and quiver. Then, you headed out to do some shooting practice. You had to cut through town to get to your secret shooting range.

Once you were on the main street, you heard fighting happening in one of the bars, and decided to have a look inside. You were shocked when a young man came flying out and skid across the dirt outside.

He wore a red vest and blue shorts. On his head, he wore a straw hat that covered most of his messy black hair. He had a few cuts on his arms and face, but other than that, he seemed perfectly fine. You ran over to him to check anyway.

"Hey," you said, helping him to his feet. "Are you ok?" The straw hat boy shook me off and grin a goofy smile. "Never better." he laughed. He popped his knuckles. "Just trying to teach this idiots a lesson."

Looks like you're the one who's being taught a lesson, you thought. But you watched the strange kid run back into the bar with his arms out. You followed him inside and luckily ducked just in time before getting hit by a flying table.

When you looked up, you saw the straw hat guy stretched his arm literally and punch a fierce-looking man in the gut. Devil fruit powers, you thought. You've always wanted devil fruit powers; even if it did take away your ability to swim.

Suddenly, about 5 tough men took hold of straw hat and pinned him down on the floor. One of them held a knife above his head. You notched an arrow onto your bow and strung back the line. "Release him!" you shouted.

The bullies lifted their heads and sneered at you. "What do you think you're doing, girly?" one of them smirked, and he stood up and began walking towards you. "Don't come any closer or I'll shoot you." All the men laughed. "Right, like you could shoot an arrow! You're shaking like a leaf!" More laughs surrounded you.

They asked for it. You shot your first arrow and it lodged itself in the guy's shoulder. He fell in agony. You notched another arrow and let it fly into another one's leg. The thugs released the straw hat and ran out of the bar screaming.

You stashed your bow away and again helped the boy to his feet. "Wow! You're amazing!" he smiled his goofy smile. He looked really cute like that. "How did you do that! That was so cool!" He laughed in the direction of the runaway idiots. You laughed along with him.

Suddenly, you were being dragged out by the straw hat. "Come on, you have to meet my crew!" Crew? You pulled away.

"Hold on a minute. I don't even know your name or what your business is here." you said. "Did you say crew?" The boy nodded.

"Yeah! My pirate crew! The Straw Hats!" he laughed. Pirates? He's a pirate? He looked nothing like a pirate. "So you're a pirate?" you asked. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm the captain!" Captain!

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder, you thought. "So are you in?" he asked.

"In?" you questioned. The boy laughed. "Yeah! Are you going to join my pirate crew or not!" You don't answer at first, and he gets confused.
Then, he cleared his throat and held out his hand to you, which shocked you a little.

"Let me try again," he smiled. "I, Monkey D. Luffy, would like you..." he stopped for a second. You laughed a little. "Y/N." you said, and Luffy beamed. He started over by clearing his throat again.

"I, Monkey D. Luffy, would like you, Y/N, to join my pirate crew...please." he said with a huge grin, and held out his hand to you. You smiled back and gripped your necklace and quiver that held your arrows and bow.

"Monkey D. Luffy," you said, accepting his hand.

"I gladly accept your offer to become part of the Straw Hat Pirate crew. Take me with you on your adventure."

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