Luffy and His Crew

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I couldn't save her. They got her first and they took her away from me. Zoro and Sanji locked their arms around mine and held me back as they shot her right before our eyes.

Afterwards, the Marines locked me and my crew in sea prison stoned cages. I tore at the bars, ignoring the fact that all my strength was leaving my body. "Come back, you bastards!" I screamed. "You all are going to die for what you've done!"

Zoro again forced me away and slammed me into the rocky wall; the Marines began to point and laugh, which made me want to break their necks.

"Look around you, Luffy!" Zoro shouted at my face. His tear-stained face had a suffering expression, and it made my body freeze. "Don't you think we're suffering, too!?" Zoro's grip on my shoulders tighten and his whole body was shaking. My eyes widened at the sight of my broken crew.

Robin was crying in the corner on her knees, holding the weeping Chopper in her lap. Sanji had one hand leaning against the wall and pounding it with fist over and over. Usopp had dropped to his hands and knees and had one hand over his eyes to hide his tears, while Nami hugged him from the side.

I couldn't stop either. "Why...why do these things keep happening? Why do they happen!" Zoro let go of me and I fell to my hands and knees. "I don't know, Luffy. But can't act like brings the rest of us down with you. You have to be stronger than us."

I felt Zoro's hand on my shoulder. "Please, Luffy." he choked. "Be strong for her."

Suddenly, I felt more than one hand on my back. I gazed up to find my crew surrounding me and each had one of their hands on my upper back.

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Robin, and Chopper. My crew. My friends.
My family.

"I'm so glad I have you guys." I managed to say. "Without you guys..." I couldn't finish, but my friends didn't seem to mind. "We understand, Luffy."

I let out a sob. I slumped onto my legs and gripped Nami and Zoro's hand.

"I know I'm not the best Captain, an that sometimes I'm a complete idiot. Yet you guys stay. You stay on my crew and sail with me and call me Captain. Thank you...I love you guys. I love all of you so much."

"We stay, Luffy," Nami's voice reaches my ear. "Because we love you, too."

"There's no one else I would call Captain." Sanji said.

"If I can't make your dream come true," Zoro leaned his forehead onto mine and said in a low but soft voice. "Then, my ambitions are nothing but talk."

"Luffy," Usopp sniffed. "You have to become the King of the Pirates."

"You're the first one who truly called me friend." Chopper tightened his hug around my arm.

"You saved my life twice. I owe you everything, Luffy." Robin wiped her tears away.

"Do you see now, Luffy? We will always be here with you, so don't give up. That's not what Y/N would've want." Nami placed her cheek on my shoulder. "We love you, Luffy. I love you."

"So do I." each one of them said, Zoro being the last one. I couldn't stop crying. The tears kept coming and wouldn't stop.

Then, when I got my inner strength back, I slowly rose my feet. My friends did as well. I took a few steps forward and then turned to face my family.

"Well, let's do it." I made the biggest smile my face could handle. "I mean I can't become the King of the Pirates if we're in here, right?" I watched as each face lit up with excitement. "We're right behind you all the way, Captain." Sanji nodded.

"Then let's go!"

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