Luffy's Hat Part 4

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"Have you ever wondered what life would be like without dreams?" Winter asked softly, as we walked side by side. I thought about the question. "No...not really..." I sighed, knowing she would have an explanation for it. "I just know that my dreams are my destiny."

Winter smiled. "That's good," she said. "That proves you are determined."

I breathed out through my nose. "What about you, Winter?" Winter turned her head. "Do you ever wonder that?"

"One time, I did." she sighed sadly. "Looked where it got me. My dreams were crushed because I thought too much about how I would accomplish it. Now I'm stuck here with nothing. With no one."

"Winter..." I breathed. "I'm sorry."

Winter sniffed. "I lost everything."

"What did you lose?" I asked.

Winter gazed her teary eyes in mind. Her voice shaken. "I lost everyone I love. My family. My friends. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Everyone. Is gone because of me..."

"What happened..." I asked, placing a hand on her trembling shoulder. Suddenly, Winter grasped my hand. A single tear slid down her cheek.

"It was an accident..." she began to cry. Full tears fell from both eyes. "The blew up because of me..."

"Blew up?" my voice stuttered. "What happened?" Winter breathed in deeply, wiping her tears.

"I wanted to finally live my dream." she sighed, leaning herself against the harbor wall. "So my family and closest friends decided to buy me a ship and become my crew for the journey. My best friend, Joseph, supported me all the way." Winter smiled at the memory. "It was finally happening...but then...."

"My father was handling the repairs, when he asked me to help him." Winter continued. "He instructed me to hold down some leaks in the rudder, while he went back to get more supplies. Then, Joseph came down and began to doubt our quest."

"What?" I questioned. "Why would he do that?" Winter swallowed.

"He said it was too dangerous and that we should turn back and live a normal life...." Winter sighed sadly. Another set of tears began to fall. "I began to argue with him. Telling him that he didn't care and that he was just scared."

Winter paused. I nudged her a little. "Go ahead...I'm listening..." I breathed. Swallowing again, Winter continued.

"I got so mad that I didn't pay attention to the heating engine." she sucked in a breath. "It caught fire...and before I knew it...I felt myself being pushed over the side of the ship and...boom..."

Winter broke down.

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