Zoro's Dedication Part 3

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The drawing above is my version of Colette. It's not very good, but it gives you an idea of what I had as a character.


Where is that idiot? I thought. He probably got lost again.

But then again, it's been 2 days. Where could he be?

Nami made me go out looking for him since it was my idea. She said I was the one who lost him.

Whatever. I've searched everywhere for him. The whole island. Damn it, Zoro. Where are you?


Colette led me off the island and to the land next door. There wasn't any people on the island and there was plenty of open space.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. Colette stopped in a small field. "We," she unsheathed her swords."are going to fight."

I smirked. "What? You going to test how strong I am?" Colette shrugged. "You can say that." Then, she revealed a third sword from her bag. It was half the length of a normal katana, but I could it was sharp on both sides of the blade.

"You do 3-sword style?" I said, amazed. Colette swung the katana in her right hand. "Of course." she giggled, and then took stance. "Ready?" I unsheathed my three swords and stood in position. "Bring it on."


"Did you find him? I asked Sanji, as he lifted himself to the deck. He shook his head, which worried me.

"Where could've he had gone?" I asked out loud. "All of us have searched the whole island and nothing." I rested my chin on my palm and pondered where else Zoro could've gone. Sanji sat next to me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Luffy still out there looking for him." he informed me. "That idiot couldn't have left the island with his bad direction. He has to turn up sooner or later."

Sanji sounded confident, but his expression told me otherwise. Zoro was Zoro. He could literally be anywhere.

2 days have passed and nothing.

Had something happen to him?


Our swords clashed back and forth. Over time I would switch from defense to offense and try to knock a blade out of her hand, but Colette had skills of her own.

Her agility and stealth helped her speed and flexibility. Every so often, her hand position would change on the hilts and she would attack from behind with a back lash. Her reflexes were accurate and full of counterattacks.

I kind of expected this with the daughter of the greatest swordsman in the world.

"Had enough?" she breathed heavily, as she bounced backwards to put distance between us. "We can always end this." She smiled with enthusiasm.

I licked my dry lips and cracked a smile. "What? You getting tired?" Colette laughed as if it was a joke. "Are you kidding?" she wiped her sweaty forehead. "I haven't had this much fun since I ran away from home."

I lost focus for a split second. Ran away from home? Now that I thought about it, she never mention anything actually staying anywhere.


"Let's end this." I decided, and readied my next attack. Colette smirked and prepared herself. "Fine by me."

We sprinted towards each other with our weapons up. As we closed in the gap, I foretold her next move and prepared to counter.

When we reached 4 feet in front of each other, I fell to my knees and skidded across the grass to where I soared under her blades. Then, I kicked myself back up to my feet and hooked an arm around her waist, causing her momentum to fall down. Her swords slipped out if her hands and mouth, and she crashed against my body.

I dropped my katanas just in time before we both hit the ground. Opening my eyes, I watched Colette raise her head off my chest. Our eyes met.

She smiled and removed a piece of grass from my hair. "Not bad, Zoro." she congratulated me. "I can tell you've been training ever since your first meeting with my father."

Then, she pressed a hand on my chest. Right where my scar was. I did the same. Placing my hand on the right side of her face, I could tell she was about to cry.

Colette lifted herself off of me and laid down in the grass. Propping myself on my elbow, I watched as the tears slid down her temples. Then, I noticed something.

"You're tears," I breathed. "They're only falling from your left eye." Colette nodded slowly. "Yeah, when my father cut me, it damaged my eye. Luckily, I still had my vision. But, my tear gland wasn't so lucky."

Then, she forced a smile. "Funny, right?" A small laugh escaped her lips.

"Colette." I sighed, and rested next to her.

Together, we stared up at the clouds.

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