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Luffy had lost everyone except you. You were the only one Luffy managed to save. The others...well...

"Luffy..." You had your arms around his waist and your head rested on his shoulder. You two were sitting in the middle of the plain far away from the battlefield. "What should we do..."

Luffy was still crying and was tightening his hold around your small body. He couldn't even say a full sentence.

"Zoro..." he cried. He couldn't continue. You bit back a sob. "Go on." you sniffed. Luffy bit his lip.

"Zoro...Sanji...Nami...Usopp...Chopper...and Robin." He sobbed and more and more tears fell. "I bury them..."

"I know, Luffy." you wept against his shoulder. "But...there's nothing to bury...there's nothing to keep memory of them."

Suddenly, something blew by you. Luffy caught it in the air and stared at it. New tears fell. You recognized it, too. "It's Zoro's bandana..." Luffy cried, and he held it against his chest. You grasped it, too, and held the other end to your face.

Then, Luffy stood up. He tied Zoro's bandana around left arm like Zoro always kept it. He wiped his eyes and helped you up. "Come on," he said, in a serious voice. "They're still here."

You both walk, hand in hand, and searched the scorched battlefield. You immediately spot a slingshot. Usopp's slingshot. You pick it up and cradled it. You and Luffy move on to find more.

You and Luffy found more of the Straw Hats' belongings. Sanji's cigarette pouch with matches. Chopper's torn-up hat. Robin's scorched cowboy hat. And Nami's weapon, the ClimeTact.

"We should keep these to keep as memory." you insisted. Luffy shook his head. "I want to bury these in their memory."

"Even Zoro's bandana..." you asked, shocked. But you understood.

6 holes were dug by hand. Each held an item of the Straw Hat. Luffy covered each hole and you wrote in ash each name on a stone. The last one was Zoro's.

You had the tombstone ready, but Luffy was still clinging to the bandana. You touched Luffy's shoulder and kissed his wet cheek. "It's ok now, Luffy." you reassured. "They'll all be with us. Especially Zoro."

Luffy wiped his face, and nodded. Then, he pressed the bandana against his lips. Then, he slowly placed it in the hole, and carefully buried it.

Both of you stood upon the 6 graves, holding each other.

"I'll protect you, Y/N." Luffy sniffed. "I promise I won't let anything harm you." You nodded, and repeated it. "I'll do my best to keep you safe, Luffy. I love you too much to lose you, too."

Luffy kissed the top of your head. Then, he whispered something extraordinary.

"Let's go home, Y/N. Together."

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