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This is my version of the moment where Sanji places as Mr. Prince and he plays his plan out. But instead of Vivi finding Sanji and Chopper, you are.

"Hello? You've reached the Crap Cafe." Sanji's voice echoed through the tunnel where you laid. You raised your head at the sound of his voice. Sanji, you thought.

"You can call me Mr. Prince." he smirked through the Transponder Snail. Crocodile gritted his teeth. "Where are you, Mr. Prince?" Sanji's laugh filled the room. "Why would I tell you that?"

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed and silence followed it. Your eyes widened. No, you thought. It can't be.

"We got him, sir." a rough voice sounded. "This is a millions solider and I shot him down."

"NO!!" you screamed. You pushed yourself to your feet. Then, you took off towards the door. Luffy shouted to you. "Go, Y/N! Find him!"

"Shall I kill her?" you heard Ms. All Sunday say. Crocodile silenced her and laughed. "No, let her go. Let her go grieve first."

You charged outside. You searched everywhere for him. "Sanji!" you cried. "Sanji!"

You sprinted across the casino, only the hear his voice. "You know, you shouldn't scream out my real identity. You'll blow my cover." You jerked around and spotted him. "Sanji..." you breathed in relief.

Then, you sprinted into his arms. "I heard the gun shot! I thought...I thought they shot you...." you wept on his chest. "I thought you were dead..."

Sanji shushed you softly, and held you. "Don't worry; I'm here now." Then, he lifted your chin with his index finger.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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