IMAGINE- Zoro x Nami

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I cradled Luffy's straw hat in my arms.

I walked to the edge of the cliff where Zoro was sitting, thinking. I crouched down behind him and, wrapping my arms around his strong hard chest, I pressed my temple against his back. I breathed in and took in his scent. He smelled like the sea and the forest put together.

"Nami..." I heard Zoro's voice. "How did it come to this..." New tears fell from my face.

We had lost Luffy.

Not just Luffy, though. Sanji and Usopp died, too.

Me and Zoro were the only ones left.

I pressed my face harder trying to stop the tears. Then, releasing him lightly, Zoro turned to face me. He had cried more than me; his face proved it, for it stained with dried tears.

"What do we do now, Zoro?" I asked, biting back a sob. Zoro didn't answer at first, but cupped my face in his firm, but soft, hands and lightly wiped away my tears.

Then, he carefully planted a kiss on my forehead and stared straight into my eyes. "We finish this journey. For them." Zoro choked on new tears. "For Sanji, and Usopp, and especially for Luffy."

I wept on his chest.

But Zoro lifted my head back up and placed another kiss on my lips. "Nami, will you come with me to finish our captain's dream?"

I nodded. Zoro pulled me in his arms and I rested my head on his chest again, only this time, with a smile on my face.

For them, I thought. For them.

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