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"I'll be outside." you waved everyone off. The party was getting a bit out of hand and you needed air.

You stepped out in the cool night and took a deep breath. Suddenly, someone touched your shoulder. You turned around and found yourself 5 inches away from Zoro's face.

"Zoro," you stuttered. "I didn't hear you come out." Zoro was a little drunk, you could tell. He swayed a little, and you gripped his arm to steady him. "Y/N..." he coughed. You lead him to the railing so he could lean against something.

"Zoro, are you feeling ok?" you asked jokingly. Zoro turned his head to look at you. His handsome face was red and it was really cute to see him at this state of mind.

"Y/N...I can barely see you." Zoro squinted. You laughed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "That's because that alcohol has gone to your head." Then, you waved it off. "Don't worry, it's nothing water can't handle. Wait here and I'll go get you some."

You began to leave, but Zoro pulled you back by your wrist. "No," he breathed. "Don't leave." You were shocked at his tone. It sounded as if he was going to start crying. "Zoro, is there something wrong?"

He took hold of both your shoulders, but looked down as if to avoid eye contact. "I..I don't want you to leave me." he whispered. You blinked at his words. "Zoro, I'm not leaving the ship. I'm just going to the kitchen to get some water for you." You began to walk away again towards the door, but this time, Zoro wrapped you in his muscular arms.

You didn't move as he pressed you against his chest. You could feel his heavy breathing on your neck as he closed his hand on the back of your head. "Promise me..." he breathed. "Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me you'll stay forever."

You slowly pulled yourself away from Zoro and gently touched his cheek. You smiled a sweet one. "Yes, Zoro. Of course I will." Zoro grinned, and kissed you. Then, you realized it.

He was sober the whole time.

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