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It was a quiet beautiful day outside and everyone was taking the time to relax and enjoy the peace.

Except Luffy.

It seemed like it was going to be a bad day with Luffy running his mouth. "I'm bored!" he complained. He ran all over the ship, trying to find something to do. "Zoro! Get up!" He shook at the sleeping Zoro, who didn't budge at all. "Ugh...this is boring. I want to fight someone!" Luffy shouted.

You were trying to read a book on the deck, while enjoying the nice weather, but of course you couldn't concentrate on anything with all the noise. You closed your book and snuck up behind Luffy.

Then, you stole his straw hat right off his head, and used your Fast Fast fruit to speed away. "Y/N! Give me my hat back!" Luffy shouted, and he tried to catch you, but thanks to your devil fruit powers, you could literally teleport anywhere.

"Over here." you called, then you sprinted on the other side of the ship. "Now I'm here." Luffy chased your tracks, but was no where close. "What are you doing over there, Luffy? I'm over here." you laughed, as you teleported to the front of the ship.

But then, Luffy vanished. You gripped the straw hat and took a few steps forward to look around the deck. "Where are you, Luffy?" you asked yourself, and started smiling. Then, someone grabbed you around the waist. "Gotcha!" Luffy laughed.

Suddenly, he slipped and both of you fall onto the deck, with him on top of you. You stared into each other's eyes and didn't move.

"That's my hat." Luffy said, breaking the silence. You smiled, and slowly reached your arm over and placed the straw hat on top of his head. Then, you reached your other arm and rested both on Luffy's shoulders.

Luffy made his ridiculously cute smile and leaned forward over you and kissed the tip of your nose. You did the same.

Then, Luffy got off of you and helped you to your feet. "I don't bored anymore." he laughed. "Hey, Y/N. Let's go play a game together!"

You smiled and nodded. Luffy offered his hand and you accepted it. Today was not such a bad day after all.

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