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"What is it now, Luffy?" you sighed, as Luffy pulled on your sleeve. "My head hurts." You touched his forehead. "Well, you don't feel like you have a fever. But just in case, you should go see Chopper." Then, you turned to work on your journal. "Ok..." Luffy sighed, and left.

A couple hours later, Luffy came back tugging on the back of your shirt. "My chest hurts." You examined his chest. "I don't see anything wrong with it. Maybe you have a heartburn for eating too fast." Luffy gave you a sad look. "You should go see Chopper for these kind of things. Not me." Luffy hung his head for some reason, and left again.

Later that night, you sat down at your desk. You were about to go to sleep when the door opened. You turned and found Luffy standing there. You sighed. "What hurts now?" you asked. Luffy hesitated, as if he had to think about it, and then held up his hand. You sighed again.

"Come on," you gestured. "Sit down on my bed." He did as he was told. You set your hands on your hips. "Ok, now what hurts?" you asked. Luffy held up his hand again.

You leaned down and kissed his palm. "Now where?" Luffy thought about it. Then, he bent his arm and lifted his elbow. "Here." he pointed at it. You planted another kiss on his elbow. "Anywhere else?" Luffy pressed a finger to his forehead. You kissed it better.

"Luffy?" you asked for a final time. Luffy looked into your eyes. Then, he slowly pointed at his lips. You smile, and leaned down. Then, slowly, you kissed Luffy on the lips.

When you released from the kiss, Luffy had his goofy smile on his face.

"Better?" you asked.

"All better!" Luffy happily said.

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