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You gazed up at the sky as you continued your walk down your favorite trail . The blue atmosphere was filled with white fluffy clouds and a bright yellow sun set warm feelings through your cheeks.

You wished everyday was like this. All by yourself with only the sweet life of nature by your side. It was peaceful.

Suddenly, someone's hand appears over your mouth and an arm around your locked ones. You kicked around, trying to get free. You managed to twist your mouth and crunch your teeth on his gloved hand.

"Help!" you called loudly. "Let me go!" Your legs and feet flailed around furiously. "Help!" you cried even louder.

Suddenly, your captor's arms fell from your body and you heard a thud. You turned and saw the kidnapper flat on the ground and a green-haired swordsman towering above him.

"Don't you know it's dishonorable to kidnap your own woman." your savior lectured to the criminal. "If you want one so bad, then do it right." He kicked the bad guy to his feet and watched him run away.

Then, the swordsman faced you. "Are you hurt?" he asked, taking a step forward towards you. "Are you alright?" You nodded slowly.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm not hurt." You bowed to him. "Thank you so much." Your hero blushed a little. "That's not necessary. I was just doing what any guy would've done." You smiled sweetly to him.

"What's your name?" you asked. Then, you held out your hand. "I'm Y/N."

"Roronoa Zoro." he shook your hand.

"May I ask you a favor, Zoro?" you asked, causing him to raise a brow. "Didn't I already do one for you?"

You placed your hands together. "Yes, but it's still dangerous in these parts and I could attacked again. Would you walk me home safely?"

Zoro stared at you for a second, then cracked a handsome smile. "Why not?" he said, and offered you his arm, which you gratefully accepted.

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