Ace's Mission Part 6

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Rachel gazes out into the calm sea, the sun is setting in the horizon. Swinging her feet over the edge, she watched the boats below sail out into the ocean to set up for the annual fireworks show. The last time the island had this festival...Rachel had found the love of her life...

She wondered where Ace was every day. She wondered if he'll keep his promise...the promise he made when he left to continue his mission...


"Ace..." Rachel finally broke the silence after the fireworks show was over. Ace acknowledged. Rachel rested her temple on his shoulder unconsciously. "I think I'm falling for you."

She heard Ace chuckle softly and she immediately blushed, mentally punching herself repeatedly. Suddenly, Ace's grip loosened and her chin was raised by his finger.

A small, yet perfect, kiss was planted on her unexpected lips.

Ace smiled as Rachel blushed profusely. Then, Rachel stumbled to her feet and turned her back on him, her fingers covering where his lips touched.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Ace said behind her.

"I know." Rachel replied, feeling sad inside. The one man who actually understood her was going to gone forever.

"I'll come back for you."

Rachel blinked as she jerked around, shocked at his words. "Do do..." Her eyes watered. "You really mean that." She could see it in his handsome eyes.

He smiled.

In the morning, you met him at the docks. Ace patted your head playfully, like he did last night.

"Be safe." Rachel said.

"Impossible." Ace smirked. Then, he kissed her again, this one little longer than the first. "I can't give a specific day or time...but I promise you...I will return to you."

"I'll be waiting. Always."


Rachel headed back to her job. When she reached the door, she heard some sort of loud commotion. She rushed inside and saw a bunch of people fighting over several newspapers.

"What's going on?!" she yelled. She caught one of the loose pages and crumbled it open.

Her eyes widen. Her lips quivered. Her whole body quivered.

In bold letters...


"No..." Rachel locked her eyes on the gray picture of Ace...laying sprawled across the blood-stained stone floor.


The bar grows quiet as they all turned their heads to the broken woman, cradling herself upon the wooden floor. Tears streamed down her face. The newspaper is clenched in her fist.

"AAACCCEEEE!!!!!!" She screamed. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!! OH GOD NOOO!!!!"

Ace was gone...

Ace was dead...

Rachel wept and sobbed...her heat torn apart and shredded and ripped...


"I love you..."

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