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"I'm bored!" Luffy whined. "There's no one to beat up!" You rolled your eyes and sat next to him. "You know Luffy, life is not all fighting bad guys. It's about having as much fun as possible."
Luffy looked at me with bored look.

"So?" he grumbled. You sighed, and was about to give up, but then you came up with something. "Hey Luffy." you said. He looked at you with non-interested eyes. "How would you like to play a game?" Luffy's eyes lightened up immediately. "What kind of game?" he asked. You thought for a second, and got an idea. "How about eye-spy?" Luffy nodded quickly, but then stopped and thought for a moment. "How do you play that?"

You laughed. "Come on, I'll show you." You climbed up to the nest with Luffy following behind you. "Ok, Luffy. I'm going to 'I spy with my little eye something blue'. Then you have to guess the blue thing I'm looking at. Ok?" I explained the rules. Luffy nodded.

"Ok, I'll go first." you said, and looked around. "I spy with my little eye!" Luffy searched below for anything orange. "Nami's head!" he yelled. I shook my head. "No, try again." Luffy rotated and searched behind him. Then, he pointed. "Nami's tangerines!" You nodded and clapped.

"Ok, my turn!" Luffy said excitedly. "I spy with my little eye!" I looked around. "The tangerine trees?" Luffy shook his head and laughed. "Try again!" I kept searching. Then, I laughed.

"Zoro's head?" Luffy bust out laughing. "Yes!" he smiled. You both laugh.

"This is a fun game!" Luffy said, and you both played a few more rounds. Suddenly, Sanji called 5 minutes on dinner. You didn't realized it was getting late. "Well, we better head down." you said, but Luffy stopped you, which really surprised you. "One more time." he seemed to beg.

"Ok," you sighed. "But only one more." Luffy looked around, then back at you. Smiling, he said, "I spy with my little eyes something beautiful." Beautiful? You decided to go with it, and searched. "The sunset?" Luffy shook his head.

"The sky?"


"The ocean?"

"Wrong again."

"Luffy, I give up, there's not much that's beauti-" you were cut off by the sudden kiss from Luffy. You blushed. When Luffy released, he looked at your expression and laughed.

"Correct." he said.

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